How to make booking online

To make a reservation, choose an accommodation using the search option.

Fill in one or several search criteria and click on Search. The system will select accommodation sites matching your criteria and you will get the list on the screen. Click on the title of an accommodation to read more details, view the photos and see the rates. If no search criteria are selected, the list of all accommodations appears.

Client information
When you have selected an accommodation and opened a window with its details, click on Book accommodation and fill in your data. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) have to be filled in to have your booking request processed.

Click on Continue. After you have entered your data, you can:
- go on with your booking,
- cancel your booking request,
- send an e-mail to the operator asking for more details about the accommodation site or availability in your preferred dates,
- edit your data clicking on Client information.

Booking the services
At this point, the system has given a unique number to your reservation. This number will be used by an operator to further process your reservation. Now you can book services you would like to use at the accommodation site. Click on Add service and select the services of your choice from the drop-down list. After selecting each service, click on Continue.
If you select a service where it is required to show the number of customers, please insert:
  • Quantity – how many times you will use the particular service during your stay at the accommodation site (e.g., on how many days you will have an evening meal at the accommodation site)
  • Adults count – how many adult persons will use the service
  • Children count – how many children will use the service
The services are possible to add one by one. Repeat the previous steps to add more services you would like to use. After adding each service, the system calculates the total amount of payment.

When you have finished your reservation request, send it to the operator by clicking Submit reservation. To add comments to your request, click on Send question and type your message.

If the accommodation is not available in your requested dates, you will see a warning on the screen. You can either Cancel your booking request or Continue to double-check availability or change your booking request.

If you choose to continue, you can:
  • return back to your reservation to change the dates,
  • search another accommodation.  The previous  reservation is automatically cancelled,
  • send an e-mail to the reservation operator. The operator will double-check availability or will suggest other accommodation options.
To receive your booking confirmation, please mark the payment type, intended payment method, and the currency in which you will pay.

Payment type:
  • Full payment – client pays full amount to “Lauku ceļotājs”
  • Full payment with deposit – payment in two parts: deposit and balance. This payment type can be used, when the reservation is made at least 28 days before the booked dates.
  • Partial payment – client pays a deposit to “Lauku ceļotājs” and the balance – to the host upon arrival. This payment type can be used only if confirmed by the operator.
Payment method:
  • Cash – payment can be made in the office of “Lauku ceļotājs” or to the host upon arrival at the accommodation site, if this has been confirmed by the operator.
  • Wire transfer – against the invoice with banking details of “Lauku ceļotājs” issued by the operator. The customer covers all banking costs.
  • By card – in the office of “Ļauku ceļotājs”, or sending a signed authorisation by fax to “Lauku ceļotājs” (authorisation form provided by “Lauku ceļotājs”) to take the payment form your card.
  • Online with a credit/debit card. We are using the largest and most secure transaction processing provider in Latvia for online payments - First Data Latvia. During the processing, we actually do not see your credit card data  - once client selects an option to pay by credit card - we redirect to the secure First Data transaction processing server, which receives credit card data using secure connection (https) and once the payment is complete we only receive the success/fail result. We accept: VISA, Eurocard/Mastercard, VISA Electron, Maestro, Unikarte.
Reservation status
There are the following possibilities:

Reservation status: Unsubmitted
You have filled in the customer information fields without sending it to the operator. You can edit customer information, go on with the reservation, or send an e-mail to the operator without selecting services, but asking additional information on the accommodation or available dates.

Reservation status: Requested
You have sent a reservation request to the operator (by clicking Submit reservation).
You will receive an automatically generated reply confirming that the reservation has been submitted and its status is Requested. The operator at “Lauku ceļotājs” will make sure if the services you requested are available at the respective accommodation in the dates of your booking. In 48 hours, you will receive a confirmation from the operator and additional information, if relevant

Reservation status: Cancelled
If the operator has received your reservation but, for any reason, it can not be confirmed, you will receive an e-mail informing about cancellation reasons and the proposed alternatives.

If the reservation is active (it is not cancelled), you have an option to cancel it any time. If you chose to cancel or change your reservation before payment, open your reservation with Cancel reservation. If the reservation has been paid, click on the active reservation link and change the reservation status to Cancel reservation. Your cancellation request will be automatically sent to the operator. The operator will confirm the cancellation according to the cancellation terms of "Lauku ceļotājs".

Reservation status: Confirmed
If you booking request can be confirmed, you will receive the booking confirmation in your e-mail notifying that your reservation status is Confirmed, to be paid. Attached to the message, you will receive an Invoice stating your chosen type, method and currency of payment, and the deadline for payment. After payment, you will receive the travelling instructions to your booked accommodation.

After payment has been received according to the invoice conditions, the operator changes the reservation status to Confirmed and sends the customer a Voucher for the booked accommodation containing the address and telephone of the host, and traveling instructions to the accommodation (by car and public transportation).

The Voucher has to be given to the host upon arrival at the accommodation site – it is a written confirmation of the services booked and pre-paid.

Follow your reservation status
After you have submitted and confirmed your booking request, you can, at any time, check its status and the services booked, or send another message to the operator if you would like to make changes in your booking. You can do it, using the link (received in your e-mail) to your reservation in the system.