Pilztour in der Region Vidzeme - Reiseroute

Touren in der wilden Natur
Touren in der wilden Natur Gruppenreise Lettland, Vidzeme

Pilztour in der Region Vidzeme

Matīši - Valka - Nītaure


  • Mushrooming near Valka at the typical pine-tree forests with Cladonias on white lichen. Chanterelles, Suillus, Boletus, Leccinum and others.
  • Natural coniferous forest at Mežole -one of the richest from biological diversity point of view. Here one can find mushrooms which is indicators of natural forest, like Wood-rotting fungus (Phellinus nigrolimitatus), (Junghuhnia collabens), needled covered Asterodon ferruginosus.
  • Stop at Jaunannužēni – growers of oyster mushrooms.

Accommodation in Nītaure area.