Pilztour in der Region Vidzeme - Reiseroute

Touren in der wilden Natur
Touren in der wilden Natur Gruppenreise Lettland, Vidzeme

Pilztour in der Region Vidzeme

Tag 1 Ankunft in Riga

Departure to the hotel in the city centre.
Introductory meeting with the guide at the Latvian Nature Museum which can be followed by the excursion to the Central Market.
Free time in Riga.

Accomodation in hotel in Riga.

Tag 2 Riga - Silciems - Lielstraupe


  • One of the most popular mushroom pickers routes at Riga suburb. Here we might find popular in Latvia eadible mushroom like cchanterelles, russulas and various boletus.
  • Also Chestnut Bolete (Gyroporus castaneus), Lurid Bolete (Boletus luridus), eadible tree-fungus – Sheep polypore (popular in Scandinavian cooking) (Albatrellus ovinus), Golden corall (Ramaria aurea) and others.
  • Short stop at Krimulda Church in Ragana to look for rare mushroom in European level -pretty saffron yelllow coloured (Hapalopilus croceus).
  • At Inciems we look for Chestnut Bolete (Gyroporus castaneus), European bolete (Boletus edulis), as well as golden Coral Tooth (Hericium coralloides).
  • At Lielstraupe forest there is a chance to find the largest boletus mushroom in Latvia which can be eaten uncooked – The Parasol Mushroom(Macrolepiota procera).

Accommodation near Lielstraupe.

Tag 3 Lielstraupe - Kārļi - Cēsis - Matīši


  • We walk nature trail along the Amata river which gurantees spectacular views, including impressive sandstone Zvartes Cliff as well as mushrooms typical for river banks. Also  Chaga (Inonotys obliquus) which is used in medicine as well as Alder  Bracket (Inonotus radiatus) which changes its colour depending of the light.
  • We'll make a stop at Cesis to look at its mighty medieval castle ruines and charming Old town.
  • Ungurmuiža Manor is unique example of the 18th century wooden baroque architecture. The interior paintings on the walls and ceilings have still survived. The manor has the park with impresive old oaks. There we look for (Hapalopilus croceus) and other typical mushrooms growing by oaks.
  • Walking along the Lake Vaidava we might find summer boletus (Boletus reticulatus).
  • We end the mushrooming by stopping at the shitaki mushroom growers at  Dulbeņi.

Accommodation near Matīši. 

Tag 4 Matīši - Strenči - Matīši


  • Zilaiskalns is a very distinct hillock covered by forest, and from where there is a “narrow” landscape featuring the northern part of the highlands, as well as the Lake Burtnieks flatlands. It is also a good place for different types of boletus.
  • Zīle Forest, Pirtslīča brach of the river is a rare biotp in Europe with ancient oak forest and park type meadows. Chance to find  (Hapalopilus croceus), Ceramic Parchment (Xylobolus frustulatus) as well as other mushrooms growing by oaks.

Accommodation near Matīši.

Tag 5 Matīši - Valka - Nītaure


  • Mushrooming near Valka at the typical pine-tree forests with Cladonias on white lichen. Chanterelles, Suillus, Boletus, Leccinum and others.
  • Natural coniferous forest at Mežole -one of the richest from biological diversity point of view. Here one can find mushrooms which is indicators of natural forest, like Wood-rotting fungus (Phellinus nigrolimitatus), (Junghuhnia collabens), needled covered Asterodon ferruginosus.
  • Stop at Jaunannužēni – growers of oyster mushrooms.

Accommodation in Nītaure area.

Tag 6 Nītaure - Āraiši - Suntaži - Rīga


  • Āraiši reconstructed ancient settlement from Bronze Age built on lake. Here is a good example how mushrooms can damage and destroy the man made objects.
  • We will see Gloeophyllum sepiarium, which growth on wooden constructions not only here but often also on fences, wooden roofs and wooden parts of railway tracks.
  • Lielie Kangari is unusual geological object. Mushrooming along the slopes and edge of the bog. Possible to find bolete (Suillus flavidus) and  Suillus piperatus (can use as a spice),Earthstars (Geastrum sp).

Returning to Riga.

Accomodation in hotel in Riga.

Tag 7 Abreise von Riga

Free time.
Transfer to the airport.