Short-breaks at Kemeri and Slitere National Parks - Nützliche Infos

Touren in der wilden Natur
Touren in der wilden Natur Individuell Lettland, Kurzeme

Short-breaks at Kemeri and Slitere National Parks

Nützliche Infos

Gesamtstrecke per auto 362 km

PERIOD OF TRAVEL: End of Apr - begining of May.
WALKING: Short walks combined with bus drives.

Typ Beschreibung

Selected species: These territories are essential for migrating Geese and Cranes, Woddpeckers, Canadian Geese, Spotted Eagle, Pallid Harrier, Crested Lark, Red Kite, Redfooted Falcon, White-fronted Goose, Mute Swan, Common Scoter, Velvet Scoter, different terns, Whooper Swan, Barnacle Goose, Velvet Duck, Marsh Warbler


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