An introduction video of the project "MOST"


The project "A model for sustainable tourism in Central Asia: Building capacities, creating awareness, introducing technology" (MOST) team has created an introduction video for this project. It gives an insight of what is planned as well as for whom the project is meant for.

EU-funded SWITCH-Asia Programme Project MOST aims to support tourism MSMEs and associations as well as local and regional authorities in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan towards a new model of sustainable tourism based on the sustainable production and consumption patterns. This will be achieved through the provision of a life cycle and supply chain management approach to sustainability interventions in tourism, covering issues that range from support for regional policies & planning, adoption of standards, introduction of value chain concepts, to the awareness of relevant stakeholders, highlighting in this way the multi-stakeholder nature of tourism sustainability and the great benefits that will arise through the engagement and cooperation of all stakeholders.


In the project we, "Lauku celotajs", are responsible for provision of trainers for workshops and assistance with different tasks, for example, round tables, policy recommendations and improvement of legislative framework, taking part of production of promotional materials and development of guidelines. We must also participate in the creation of the content for the project's website and social media accounts, as well as we are responsible for the visibility of the project in Latvia.

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