
Publications of "Lauku ceļotājs"

Our publications in English: accommodation catalogue „Country Holidays”, maps and travel guides for touring Latvia by car, bike, boating or hiking offer practical information and are most useful to plan and experience your holidays in Latvia. We have inspected all sites and tested all routes which are described. See below the details about contents of each of our publications.

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Publication Description

Vēsturiskais un mūsdienu dārzs

Rokagrāmatas nodaļas iepazīstina ar sekojošām tēmām:

Vēsturisko dārzu tūrisma produkts. Nodaļā sniegta definīcija – kas ir vēsturisko dārzu tūrisma produkts. Nodaļa iepazīstina arī ar Latvijas dārzu apsekojuma rezultātiem, ko veica Dobeles Dārzkopības Institūta speciālisti, lai konstatētu situāciju Latvijas dārzos un novērtētu to potenciālu dārzu tūrismam.

Dārza plānošana un ierīkošana. Nodaļā aplūkoti pamatprincipi, kas jāņem vērā, plānojot un ierīkojot jebkuru dārzu – gan vēsturisku, gan mūsdienīgu. Katru tēmas sadaļu papildina foto, ietverti arī dārzu zonēšanas plānu piemēri.

Dārza kopšana un audzēšana. Nodaļā sniegti padomi augļu dārza rekonstrukcijai un jaunu koku kopšanai, dārzeņu, garšaugu un dekoratīvo augu audzēšanai un kopšanai, kā arī ieteikumi šķirņu izvēlei vēsturiskajam dārzam tūrisma piedāvājumā.

Kā sagatavot dārzu apmeklētāju uzņemšanai. Nodaļā sniegti padomi, kā veidot dārza stāstu un pasniegt informāciju, kā izveidot saimniecības veikalu, kas ir svarīgs elements tūrisma piedāvājumā un sniedz papildu ienākumu.

Infrastruktūra tūristu uzņemšanai. Nodaļā aprakstīta minimāli nepieciešamā infrastruktūra apmeklētāju ērtībām – auto stāvvieta, labierīcības, utt.

Vēsturiskā informācija par dārzkopību, šķirnēm, selekciju. Nodaļā sniegts īss pārskats par augļkopības, dārzeņkopības, garšaugu un ārstniecības augu, kā arī dekoratīvās dārzkopības attīstību Latvijā.

Dārzu tūrisma piemēri. Nodaļā apskatīti Vācijas augļu dārzu piemēri kā dārzu tūrisma produkts.

Šī rokasgrāmata būs noderīga: profesionāliem dārzkopjiem un šķirņu selekcionāriem. Rokasgrāmatā sniegti praktiski padomi, kā sagatavot dārzu apmeklētāju uzņemšanai. Atverot dārzu apmeklētājiem, ir iespējams iepazīstināt plašāku sabiedrību ar selekcijas darba rezultātiem – izkoptajām šķirnēm, to vērtīgajām īpašībām, vēsturisko šķirņu saglabāšanas nozīmi; lauku tūrisma uzņēmējiem. Rokasgrāmatā sniegti praktiski padomi, kā ierīkot dārzu, veidojot harmonisku ainavu un patīkamu vidi viesiem, papildinot jau esošo tūrisma piedāvājumu.


"Go Rural" Product manual 2018 - Latvia/Estonia/South coast Finland

This manual is aimed at helping you discover rural destinations in the South of Finland, Estonia and Latvia beyond traditional touristic routes. The programmes and sites in this manual are based around small-scale accommodation, open farms, local producers, living traditions and sincere people. The people here have a close relationship with their natural surroundings and annual cycle. Each season has its own specific activities like mushrooming, berry picking, collecting herbs, ice-fishing and different agricultural jobs as well as traditional and seasonal celebrations. The countries are a haven for the tourist who loves nature, respects traditions and would like to experience them and their cultures more deeply.

Behind this manual there is a team of professional countryside tourism organisations and tour operators. For many years we have carried regular inspections of our accommodation and sites, have closely cooperated with national parks and nature experts, researched and developed new routes.

In this brochure we present example products based on rural experiences such as visits to country farms, hands-on workshops, tours of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, stays at spa hotels, and opportunities to get closer to nature or to live like locals. Some model itineraries for touring the three countries are presented. All of these can be linked with the traditional touristic routes and city experiences to bring more variety and attraction.

Travelling options between the countries are shown by air, ferries and bus. A list of tour operators that can help to arrange tours and services group and individual customers is provided in this manual.


The Routes of Latvia’s Statehood

This tour map presents 7 Routes of Latvia’s Statehood that offer an insight into the history of establishment of Latvia as a state. The routes invite to find out about places, events and personalities that have played a significant role in the formation of the State of Latvia and the emergence of its national identity. A traveller will also learn about historical state entities that have existed in the territory earlier and have left their heritage that is part of Latvia’s culture.

Included: Map of Latvia (scale 1: 550000) with the 7 Routes of Latvia’s Statehood marked and briefly described. Descriptions of 80 sites and objects related to the history of Latvia’s statehood. Descriptions of 85 open farms that have been awarded the Latvian Heritage sign. The map is available in LV/RU and EN/DE languages. 

The 7 Routes of Latvia’s Statehood have been developed within the programme for celebration of the centenary of Latvia as a state. The celebration events continue from 2017 to 2021. The key message of the centenary celebration is „I am Latvia” focusing on people as the core value of the state. They shape today’s life in the country and, together with their young generation, they lay foundations for the future.

The project is implemented with the support of the State Culture Capital Foundation.


GoRural Food and Drinks

Finnish, Estonian and Latvian cuisine is based on natural products from clean en vironment. Spring and summer seasons are characterised by lighter dishes like greens, dairy products and seasonal fi sh, grilled meat, forest berries and mushrooms. Meat dishes with vegetable and grain side dishes, fermented and pickled vege- tables dominate cold seasons meals.

There are three meals during the day – break- fast, dinner and supper. There could be tea or coffee breaks between them with tiny snacks. The main meal is dinner, with choice of soups, main dishes and desserts. Bread of various types is always served on the table.

There are three meals during the day – break- fast, dinner and supper. There could be tea or coffee breaks between them with tiny snacks. The main meal is dinner, with choice of soups, main dishes and desserts. Bread of various types is always served on the table.

Rural pubs have simpler meals that are richer in calories and the servings are larger. The restau- rant servings are smaller, with more emphasis on quality. Chefs create refi ned taste combina- tions and surprise their customers with food as a special adventure by using fresh and seasonal local dishes.


Jūrtaka - Rokasgrāmata uzņēmējam

Šī rokasgrāmata ir paredzēta plašam lietotāju klāstam: tūrisma uzņēmējiem, pašvaldībām un tiem tūrisma speciālistiem, nevalstiskajām organizācijām un ikvienam, kas plāno attīstīt uzņēmējdarbību vai citas iniciatīvas kājāmgājēju tūrismā.

Rokasgrāmatas izveide balstīta Jūrtakas izveides procesa pieredzē, rokasgrāmatas autoru līdzšinējā profesionālajā pieredzē, kā arī to valstu informācijas avotos, kurās kājāmgājēju tūrismam ir senas tradīcijas.

Jūrtaka ir pārgājienu tūrisma maršruts gar Baltijas jūras piekrasti no Latvijas dienvidrietumu robežas līdz Tallinai Igaunijā. Tā tika izveidota 2017. - 2018. gadā, procesā iesaistījās daudzi piekrastes uzņēmēji un pašvaldību pārstāvji.

Rokasgrāmatā atrodami ieteikumi, kā esošo un potenciālo kājāmgājēju vajadzī- bām attīstīt Jūrtakas apkārtnē sniegto pakalpojumu klāstu, kā arī nodrošināt šo pakalpojumu kvalitāti un atraktivitāti ilgtermiņā. Uzmanība pievērsta gan iesaistīto pušu sadarbībai kopīgu produktu radīšanā un pakalpojumu sniegšanā, gan individuālai pakalpojumu sniegšanai.


Heritage Agritourism

Agritourism that relates to historical heritage involves open farms, interactive museums, private collections and other places where you can learn about the economic history of the countryside and the development of various agricultural sectors from antiquity to the modern day.

We have learned lessons from previous generations and from immigrants from other nations. Later we went to school and looked for everything that was new, moving from a plough that was pulled by a horse and a trough with grain to be sown around our necks to mighty tractors which use global navigation systems to process fields and have screens which show how many tonnes of grain have been harvested. Still, modern farmers sometimes look into the past with respect and thanks. They still use the wooden trough in which their grandparents raised dough for bread, and they do not sell old threshing machines for scrap metal. They are happy to show these old things to others, talking about the business and farming spirit of their dynasties. The agritourism map for historical research focuses on 102 places in Latvia (Latgale, Kurzeme and Latgale) and Lithuania (Aukštaitija and Žemaitija), where local farming traditions are maintained and shown to travellers. The history of farms is a very broad area, so this map invites you to visit craftspeople,  reparers of local foods and beverages, growers of farm products, fishermen, farms, craftsmanship and fishing museums and collections. The map of Latvia has a scale of 1:1,000,000), with 102 descriptions of venues, information about the historical heritage of each locations, as well as contact information. The map has ten agritourism routes with brief descriptions.


The Suiti land

In cooperation with Alsunga, Kuldiga and Ventspils municipalities we have developed route map - brochure "The Suiti land" to enable travelers to explore the unique ethnic cultural region in Latvia - the Suiti land. The Suiti cultural space has been inscribed on UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2009. With this brochure it is possible to get acquainted with the traditional cuisine of the region, colorful costumes, holiday traditions and other values that make this region so unique and whose traditions still permeate the everyday lives of local people.

This publication is financed within the Estonia - Latvia Programme project “Development and promotion of small ethno-cultural regions as tourism destinations”.



In cooperation with Dundaga and Ventspils municipalities we have developed route map - booklet "The Liv coastline is inviting you!" to enable travelers to explore the unique ethnic cultural region in Latvia - the Liv Coastline. The Liv Coastline involves a series of shoreline villages from Ovīši to Ģipka along the shores of the Baltic Sea and the Bay of Rīga. With this brochure it is possible to get acquainted with the traditional cuisine of the region, holiday traditions and other values that make this region so unique and whose traditions still permeate the everyday lives of local people.

This publication is financed within the Estonia - Latvia Programme project “Development and promotion of small ethno-cultural regions as tourism destinations”.


Lettische Gerichte und Getränke

Neue Auflage der Broschüre „Lettische Gerichte und Getränke“

Aufgrund der grossen Nachfrage hat der Landestourismusverband Lettlands “Baltic Country Holidays" (Lauku celotajs) wiederholt die Broschüre „Lettische Gerichte und Getränke“ herausgegeben. In dieser überarbeiteten un aktualisierten Fassung der Publikation geht es um traditionelle lettische Gerichte und moderne Küche. Sie soll Ihnen als Inspiration dienen eine kulinarische Reise nach Lettland zu unternehmen. Auch vor Ort wird sie Ihnen während des Restaurantbesuchs beim Bestellen der kulinarischen Spezialitäten der Region eine grosse Hilfe sein.

Lettland hat sehr reiche Esstraditionen, weil sich das Land am Kreuzweg Europas befindet. Über Jahrhunderte haben Völker aus Osten und Westen einen grossen Einfluss auch auf die lettische Küche ausgeübt.

Da es in Lettland vier Jahreszeiten gibt, ist die lettische Küche saisonabhängig. Jede Jahreszeit bietet ihre typischen Genüsse und besonderen Zutaten. Die Broschüre steht in einer aktualisierten und überarbeiteten Fassung als Download zur Verfügung

Mehr Information über lettische Küche, kulinarische Reiserouten und Verzeichnis der Gastronomiebetriebe, die traditionelle lettische Gerichte anbieten, finden Sie hier.


2018 Calendar of Coastal events

Coastal event calendar in Latvia and Estonia 2018 includes wide range of events along the Baltic Coastal Hiking route in order for every traveller to find something that would attract him or her the most. 


"Go Rural" - Practical Guide for travelers visiting south coast Finland, Estonia. Latvia

Welcome to Finland, Estonia and Latvia – thre neighbouring countries in the North of Europe and Scandinavia, on the shores of the Baltic Sea. This brochure will help independent travellers plan a holiday trip in the South of Finland, Estonia and Latvia beyond traditional touristic routes and to discover the real countryside. 

Finns, Estonians and Latvians share similarities in mentality and way of life, but each country is still proud of its unique identity. All three countries are safe and easy to travel around – there is a good road and transport network, and there are many guest houses and country hotels, even in remote country areas, to welcome guests.

In this brochure, you will find the key information that is necessary to plan a trip – a map of the Baltic Sea countries with airports and sea ports marked, names and contacts of airlines, ferry and bus companies and car hire, and suggestions for holiday themes in the countryside. Besides, we have provided a number of web links to useful sources of more detailed information. 

Let this brochure inspire you for a holiday trip!


"Go Rural" Rural Tourism Product manual - Latvia/Estonia/South coast Finland

This Rural Tourism Product manual is aimed to help you discover rural destinations in South of Finland, Estonia and Latvia beyond traditional touristic routes. The tours and sites in this manual are based around small-scale accommodation, open farms, local producers, living traditions and sincere people. The people here have a close relationship with itsnature and annual cycle. Each season has its own specific activities like mushrooming, berry picking, collecting herbs, ice-fishing and different agricultural jobs as well as traditional and seasonal celebrations. The countries are a haven for the tourist who loves nature, respects traditions and would like to experience the countries and their cultures more deeply.

Behind this manual there is a team of professional countryside tourism organisations and tour operators. For many years we have carried regular inspections of our accommodations and sites, have closely cooperated with national parks and nature experts, researched and developed new routes.

In this manual we present examples of group and individual touring routes, full day packages based on accommodations in the countryside, nature experiences in national parks, visits to farms and craftsmen. All of these can be linked with the traditional touristic routes and city experiences to bring more variety and attraction.

Travelling options between the countries are shown by air, ferries and bus. The list of tour operators that can help to arrange tours and services group and individual customers is provided in this manual. Some of the tour examples include optional extensions to Lithuania and Sweden.


Jaņi cheese

„Jāņu siers” is fresh sour-milk cheese produced from milk and curds using a traditional method of preparation unchanged for centuries. The round shape and yellow colour symbolise the sun. The cheese is eaten during the summer solstice celebrations, a Latvian festival called Jāņi. The soft, well-bound, slightly elastic and homogeneous consistency and mild flavour of ‘’Jāņu siers’’ are the result of skills developed over many years.

The „Jāņu siers” cheese has been granted the entry to the EC’s Traditional Speciality Guaranteed register (TSG) of agricultural products and foodstaffs.

The TSG protects 52 guaranteed traditional specialities, among them three products from Latvia. They are: sklandrausis - a carrot bun, salinātā rudzu rupjmaize – a special type of rye bread and Jāņu siers cheese. The scheme protects traditional production methods and recipes and help consumers by giving them information concerning the specific character of the products. For a food name to be registrable under the TSG its raw materials, composition or method of production must have been consistent for a minimum of 30 years.

Today in Latvia there are six dairy companies producing the traditional “Jāņu siers” cheese that is registered as TSG. They are: „Valmieras piens”, „Rankas piens”, „Lazdonas piensaimnieks”, „Straupes piens”,  „Dundaga” and "Jaunpils dairy".


Postcard greetings from rural Latvia

We have released a new collection of postcards with great images from rural life.

The postcards tell about real rural feeling and heritage traditions that have lived through times and make part of today's life. So it's about what people still do in the countryside - go mushrooming in autumn, bake our special pīrāgi for festive table, and gather wild herb teas in the summertime. You can experience it visiting our countryside!

If you want to say hello from Latvian countryside to your friends, send them a postcard!
POSTCARDS (gallery)

The postcards are available from the office of Baltic Country Holidays, 40, Kalnciema str., Riga.

The postcard collection is produced under the project Heritage based agritourism product development in Latvia-Lithuania, supported by the EU Interreg Latvia-Lithuania programme 2014-2020.



The Baltic States and Southern Finland

The people of the Baltic sea area have a close relationship with nature and its annual cycle. Each season has its own specific activities like mushrooming, berry picking, collecting herbs, ice-fishing and different agricultural jobs as well as traditional and seasonal celebrations. The countries are haven for the tourist who loves nature, respects traditions and would like to experience the countries and their cultures more deeply. Country-travelling tours and sites are based around small-scale accommodation, open farms, local producers, living traditions and sincere people. We' re always looking for local farms and producers and encourage the development of new products. We feel we can honestly call ourselves the Baltic rural exsperts in Estonia, Latvia and south Finland. Find us here:

バルト三国とフィンランド南部 バルト海沿いの人々は自然や季節の移り変わりととても密接な関係を持っています。季節毎にキノコ狩り、ベリー摘み、ハーブ集め、穴釣り等それぞれのアクティビティがあり、多様な農作業を行ったり、伝統的な季節のお祝い事をしたりします。自然を愛し、伝統を敬い、もっと深く田園の文化を体験して知りたいと思う旅行者にとって、これらの国々は理想の地です。 田園を巡るツアーとその目的地は、小規模な宿泊施設、オープンファーム、地元の生産者、伝統的な生活、誠実な人々が基になっています。我々は常に協力してくれる地元の農園と生産者を探し、新しいプロダクトの開発を促しています。我々はエストニア、ラトビア、フィンランド南部の田園地帯に関するプロであると自負しています。 我々に関する詳細はこちらをご参照ください: