
Saloons, cafes and other places in small towns and the countryside which offer tasty dishes made of local products and on the basis of traditional Latvian recipes – ones which differ from region to region.

  • Special programmes are offered to visitors, with meals, stories about holiday and everyday traditions, and songs. Sometimes visitors are involved in preparing the food.
  • Menus use local names for dishes along with explanations and a discussion of the local dialect.
  • Providers of Latvian foods also use ethnographic styles for interior design, as well as dishes, furniture, textiles, etc., from local craftspeople.
Overview Details

Araisi windmill

The windmill is on a hill and offers a lovely view. This is one of the few Dutch-type windmills (built in 1852) to still be in operational order, and guests can help to grind grain. On the last Sunday of every July, the windmill organises a celebration in honour of St Jacob and of bread baked from freshly harvested rye.

Latvian cuisine: Miller’s lunch – wheat flour porridge with meat sauce, crepes, kefir, herbal teas.

Distance from countries capital city83 Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers Pre-order required Accepts tourist groups
Facilities  appropriate for children

Rezidence Kafe Venta

The café is located right by the old brick bridge of Kuldīga and boasts a wonderful view over Ventas Rapid, the widest waterfall in Europe. Offers grilled dishes in summer, as well as burgers, steaks, shashlik and pastries.

Active season months1-12

The “Sturitis” café in Madona

Located in the centre of Madona, the café offers foods based on fruit and vegetables from its own garden.
Latvian cuisine: Cold beet soup, sorrel soup, chanterelle soup, grey peas with bacon, herring, barley porridge with crickets, mushroom sauce, seven types of jams, raspberry or strawberry desserts, crepes filled with potato, pumpkin, apple and rhubarb, cottage cheese pastry, juices, herbal teas, ice cream cocktails.
Special foods: Homemade biscuit cake with fresh berries.

Distance from countries capital city165 Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups
Facilities  appropriate for children


Prepares dishes from local Latvian products. The menus are changed every season, meaning that the guests can enjoy seasonal dishes. The 360-degree glazed terrace offers a picturesque view of Rose Square, in the heart of Cēsis City.

Distance from countries capital city89 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance
Facilities  appropriate for children

The “Express Pizza” café

The café is in the Oga shopping centre, offering cheeses that are the “business card” of the city.
Latvian cuisine: Preiļi cottage cheese pierogi, Preiļi cheese soup, cheesecake.

Distance from countries capital city198 Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers
Facilities  appropriate for children

The “Pagrabins” café

“Pagrabiņš” is located in the Old Town of the city, in the historic town hall building. Its interior preserves historic vaults and stone walls that have been decorated with photo exhibitions. In summer, the guests can enjoy their meal on a terrace over the small River Alekšupīte.

Distance from countries capital city154 Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups
Facilities  appropriate for children

Krodzins "Bura H"

Kafejnīca "Bura" atrodas Madonas ziemeļdaļā, uz Gaujas un Rūpniecības ielas stūra – pie pilsētas apvedceļa. Kafejnīcā piedāvā plašu ēdienkarti, latviešu virtuvi. Banketu zāle, vasarā darbojas āra terase. Piedāvā izbraukuma banketus. Ēka celta guļbūves stilā. Ainaviska vide, laukakmeņi.

Latviešu virtuve: Pelēkie zirņi, kartupeļu biezputra ar gaļas krikumiņiem, zemnieku podiņš, siļķe ar mrinētiem sīpoliem un krējumu, maizes zupa, plānās pankūkas.

Īpašais ēdiens: Pēc dažādām receptēm gatavots zandarts.

Distance from countries capital city165 Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

The “Vilhelmines dzirnavas” saloon

The saloon is in the historical centre of Līgatne, alongside a pond, and in a building that was once home to the first Līgatne paper factory.

Latvian cuisine: Vidzeme stroganoff, grilled Kolka herring, grilled pork, Amata trout, potato pancakes with cream, pancakes with jam, beer, kvass.

Special foods: A special dessert.

Distance from countries capital city71 Active season months1-12 Accommodation available Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance
Rooms for  festivities Facilities  appropriate for children

Berneliu uzeiga in town

Piedāvā ļoti gardus Lietuviešu tradicionālos ēdienus. Var pieņemt līdz 300 personām. Ir āra terase un dzīvā mūzika. Pieņem bankas kartes, pieejama autostāvvieta.

Distance from countries capital city104 Active season months1-12

Restorans "Raganu ligzda"

Atrodas Raganas centrā pie degvielas uzpildes stacijas, viesnīcā „Raganu ligzda”. Piedāvā mūsdienīgu Latvijas virtuves ēdienkarti. Kompleksās pusdienas. Sadarbojas ar vietējām zemnieku saimniecībām.

Distance from countries capital city48 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Accommodation available This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups