SWITCH-Asia video about sustainable housing and building


The SWITCH-Asia programme's team has created a video about sustainable housing and building. In 2019 the Asia-Pacific region has become majority urban for the first time in the history. With more than 2,3 billion people living in the cities, the need for a sustainable urban future has never been more important. Sustainable housing can improve the quality of life. How homes and buildings are planned and developed have significant impacts on living conditions, social life, resource use and climate mitigation.


"Lauku ceļotājs" is one of the partners in the project "A model for sustainable tourism in Central Asia: Building capacities, creating awareness, introducing technology" (MOST) supported by the EU-funded SWITCH-Asia programme. We provide the Central Asian countries with our knowledge and expertise about sustainable tourism and enviromentally friendly management, especially about our experience with “Green Certificate” for more than 20 years. We also provide support with marketing activities to make this project more visible at all levels.

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