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The 6th Pan-European Green Belt Conference took place in June 27. – 29., 2012 in Mavrovo, Macedonia.

The Green Belt conference is an annual event taking place each time in a different Green Belt site. This time the conference was hosted by Mavrovo national park in Balkan Macedonia. The conference gathered 100 professionals from 21 Green Belt countries. Asnāte Ziemele, the president of the Latvian Country Tourism Association presented the experience and results of the Green Belt Military Heritage pilot project in Latvia. The representatives of the Green Belt countries approved new territories joining the Green Belt. Asnāte Ziemele was approved as the Baltic Green Belt NGO representative. The European Green Belt initiative is presently headed by the EuroNatur foundation (Germany). There are the following sections in the European Green Belt:

1) Feno-Scandinavian Green Belt (the northern part with Norway, Finland and Russia);

2) Baltic Green Belt (the area along the Baltic coast);

3) Central European Green Belt (the Baltic coast to the river Drava)

4) Balkan Green Belt (from the river Drava to the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea).

12 European Green Belt coordinators meet twice a year. The next meeting will take place in Finland, in winter 2012. 

Press release see here.


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Please fill in a questionnaire and help us to create a new rural tourism product oriented on local heritage and people. The respondents will take part in the lottery. The main award is gift card of EUR 500 for the accommodation in the Baltic States. Questionnaire "Local heritae in rural tourism" is in English, German and Russian here

Our Spring Newsletter see here.

 In this issue:

  • Special spring experience
  • New packages for the next summer season:
    • Along the Baltic national parks - Latvia & Lithuania
    • Canoeing in Kurzeme
    • Spring Birdwatching in Latvia
    • Countrylife of Eastern part of Latvia & Lithuania
  • Info on our publications and clients' feedback
  • Accomodation info

See all news for "Baltic Country Holidays Newsletters"

We take part at ITB Berlin tourism trade fair from 7-11 March.

We'll be pleased to meet you there! Hall 18, Latvia's stand Nr: 126A. Welcome!

If you'd like to pre-arrange a meeting please write:

Together with partners from Spain, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Sweden, we are working on a new training material on employment opportunities in rural areas. The new fields of employment are organic farming, fungi, chestnut tree growing, active tourism, interpretation in rural areas, renewable energies, professional caregivers. Project results will be accessible from

Open AKTOS project page in a new window

All travel enthusiasts are welcome to acquaint themselves with the best and most exciting tourism offers at the biggest in the Baltics travel market – the 19th International Travel Trade Fair “Balttour 2012” – to be held at Kipsala International Exhibition Centre in Riga, Latvia, 10–12 February.

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We have noticed that Japanese guests find Latvian rural tourism attractive. Our nature, wide landscapes, authentic homesteads, live traditions, mushrooming, autumn colours are just few of the things that fascinate travellers from Japan. Therefore, we have created an attractive promotional brochure in Japanese language.

The brochure will be distributed in the Latvian stand in the largest travel fair JATA Travel Showcase in Tokyo, September 29 – October 2 (the fair attracts the audience of 100 000 tourism professionals and general public) .

Lauku ceļotājs will also take part in receiving the Japanese tour operator fam trip in Latvia which is organised by the State Tourism Development Agency. We shall show rural farmsteads, treat our guests with natural herb teas, home-made black bread, honey and the traditional mushroom sauce. Work meetings with Japanese tourism professionals will take place during the fam trip.

Japanese language information will be put in the home page of Lauku ceļotājs and in social network sites. This way, we shall address the Japanese market directly and the travellers will find us in web search engines.

Lauku ceļotājs invites to presentation of Map of Military Heritage on 24th of February at Latvian War Museum in Riga. At presentation discussion will be raised - is our military heritage - sites and stories - important only to us who have experienced it or it might be also atractive tourism product. Registration - or (371)67617600 (Baiba) till February 22.

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See all news for "Lauku Celotajs printed publication news"

Workshop presentations we have put in the conference web site, photo gallery available here. See the pictures from the Eurogites GA and study tour in the gallery.

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