Botanical tour of Kurzeme - Maršruts

Dabas ceļojums
Dabas ceļojums Grupu Latvija, Kurzeme

Botanical tour of Kurzeme


-Departure to Kemeri National Park created to protect coastal zones, seaside lakes,  bog and damp forest as well as surphur springs.
-We will follow fen trail,wild meadows, stop at the bird watching tower at the Kanieris Lake.
-Among many other plants we look out for Fragnant Orchid (Gymnadenia conopsea), Great Fen- sedge (Cladium mariscus), Black Alders fen and plants related to this biotop.
-Along the way we' ll stop at the place where history of Kemeri as a spa resort started due the valuable sulphur water resource.
-The Engure Lake Nature Park created to protect the shallow lake with the birds nesting places as well as its specific flora.  In this territory grow about 22 types of orchids including The Early Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza incarnata), Fly Orchid (Ophrys insectifera), Baltic Orchid (Dactylorhiza baltica) etc.

Accomodation inj Roja.