Mushroom Tour at Kurzeme Region - Maršruts

Dabas ceļojums
Dabas ceļojums Grupu Latvija, Kurzeme

Mushroom Tour at Kurzeme Region

Rideļi - Engure – Šķēde - Talsi - Valdemārpils - Lube - Tiņģere - Dundaga


Šķēdes beechs growth with some rare for Latvia mushrooms. Visit local
wine maker at Lauciena.

Then we’ll follow Botanical trail along Krovalki house located at Talsi down
nature park. Possible to find Red-Cracking Bolete (Boletus pascuus) and other mushrooms.

Walk through picturesque Old Town of hilly Talsi located by two lakes.
On the way we’ll stop at Valdemārpils

Idol linden tree and then gather mushrooms along the banks of the river Roja. Here possible to find such valuable eadable mushrooms as Deer Truffle (Elaphomyces sp.) with parasitic Slender Truffle - Club (Cordyceps ophioglossoides) as well as Orange Caterpilar-Fungus (Cordyceps militaris) which emerges from lavae or pupae of moth.

Accomodation near Dundaga