Botanical tour of Kurzeme - Maršruts

Dabas ceļojums
Dabas ceļojums Grupu Latvija, Kurzeme

Botanical tour of Kurzeme

1.diena Arrival in Riga

-Transfer to hotel.
-Visit to the Botanical Gardens of the Univeristy of Latvia. The garden established in 1922 and has the oldest plants collection in the Baltic States.
-Visit to Babite Rododendrs grower. There are different species of  wild as well as cultivated rododendrs collections, together more than 200 species.
-Free time to explore historic sites of Riga.

Accomodation in Riga.

2.diena Rīga-Ķemeri-Engure

-Departure to Kemeri National Park created to protect coastal zones, seaside lakes,  bog and damp forest as well as surphur springs.
-We will follow fen trail,wild meadows, stop at the bird watching tower at the Kanieris Lake.
-Among many other plants we look out for Fragnant Orchid (Gymnadenia conopsea), Great Fen- sedge (Cladium mariscus), Black Alders fen and plants related to this biotop.
-Along the way we' ll stop at the place where history of Kemeri as a spa resort started due the valuable sulphur water resource.
-The Engure Lake Nature Park created to protect the shallow lake with the birds nesting places as well as its specific flora.  In this territory grow about 22 types of orchids including The Early Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza incarnata), Fly Orchid (Ophrys insectifera), Baltic Orchid (Dactylorhiza baltica) etc.

Accomodation inj Roja.

3.diena Engure-Kolka-Ventspils

-Slitere National Park is former territory of the Baltic Ice Lake, Ancilus Lake as well as ancient cost of Litornic Sea. Here is great biotops' diversity  including wild beach, different dune biotops, pine -tree forests, wet forests and bog, meadows and sand stone outcrops.
-Follow along the Cape Kolka walking pine tree trail,  Pēterezera Lake trail with ancient dunes and fig landscape. Species of interest here: Wild Garlic (Allium ursinum), Common Ivy (Hedera helix), Seaside Pea (Lathyrus maritimus), Cross-leaved Heath (Erica tetralix), Tree Lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria), Eastern Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla patens) etc.
-Visit Dundaga Castle which history dates back to 13th century.
-Stiklu Bog is one of the largest bog territory of Kurzeme. There are several kilometres long plunk trail. We will look here for Marsh clubmoss (Lycopodiella inundata), Rannoch-rush (Scheuchzeria palustris), different types of sundews (Droseraceae), Bog Rosemary (Andromeda polifolia), Deergrass (Trichophorum cespitosum)etc.

Accomodation in Ventspils.

4.diena Ventspils-Užava-Kuldīga

-Visit in Uzava Protected Area where is one of the largest  “grey” dunes in the Baltics. It stretches along the sea for several kilometres.  Here we might see:
Toadflax (Linaria loeselii), Sea Holly (Eryngium maritimum), Sand Pink (Dianthus arenarius). Then we go to Venta valley to walk its wild banks. Species to look for:
Large thyme (Thymus ovatus), Beach Speadwell (Veronica longifolia) and different orchid species.
-Excursion to the charming Old Town of Kuldiga with its wooden architecture, visit the widest waterfall in Europe and 19th century's brick bridge across Venta.

Accomodation in Kuldiga.

5.diena Kuldīga-Sabile-Rīga

-Abava Ancient Valley Park is created to protect the landscape created by the waters of ancient melting iceberg with its monuments of natural history.
-Visit of Sabile Wine Hill – the most Northernly grown grapes from which wine is produced.
Follow botanical trail at Drubazi where we look for: Bath Sedge (Carex davalliana), Fly Orchid (Ophrys insectifera), Baltic Orchid (Dactylorhiza baltica), Common Juniper (Juniperus communis) etc.
On the way we stop at one of the grandest oaktrees in Europe, which is more than 10m of circumfirance.
-Cena Heath Trail is about 5 km long and includes various biotops like high, law and transit bogs and related plants. There is a viewing tower in the bog. Species here might include:
various types of peat moss (Sphagnum), Bog Cotton-grass (Eriophorum vaginatum), Leatherleaves (Chamaedaphne calyculata), Heath Spotted-Orchid (Dactylohriza maculata), Cranberries (Oxycoccus palustris) etc.

Returning to Riga
Accomodation in Riga.

6.diena Departure from Riga

Free time.
Transfer to the airport.