Short-breaks at Ķemeri and Slītere National Parks - Maršruts

Dabas ceļojums
Dabas ceļojums Individuāla Latvija, Kurzeme

Short-breaks at Ķemeri and Slītere National Parks

1.diena Arrival in Rīga International Airport – Ķemeri National Park

Depending of flight time there could be included birding at the ĶNP or individual
walks at the hotel’s grounds. Accomodation and dinner at the hotel at ĶNP.

Attālumi ar automašīnu 45 km

2.diena Ķemeri National Park – Slītere National Park


Whole day birding at Ķemeri National Park. Nearly 260 of the 342 species
of birds that have ever been spotted in Latvia have been seen at the ĶNP.
There are both nesting and migratory birds in the park’s forests, meadows
and waterways. Many species are uncommon and protected. In the autumn and spring, thousands of migrating geese and cranes use the park to rest and spend the night.

Explore Kemeri park, near KNP Forest House, walking Black-Alder wetland
trail where seven woddpecker species are present, continue to Great Bog Trail, damp forest and wetland areas, birdwatching tower at Lake Sloka, lagoon type shalow Lake Kanieris (Ramsar convention’s place) with birdwatching towerand surrounding areas. The area around Ķemeri has long since been known as a source of sulphurous streams, and it remains an important location for obtaining sulphurous water and medicinal mud which at one time served as the foundation of the widely known Ķemeri Spa.

Late departure to Slītere National Park.

Accomodation and dinner at Slītere National Park.

Attālumi ar automašīnu 146 km

3.diena Slītere National Park

The geographic placement of the Slītere National Park and the diversity of the environment in this particular place have ensured two wonderful and unique characteristics and values for it. First of all, the park is crossed by the migration routes for birds travelling from the White Sea to the Baltic Sea.
Second, many rare and particularly endangered species of birds can be found in the park itself. Of the 338 species of birds ever registered in Latvia, 261 have been spotted at the SNP. Of these, 66 are uncommon and highly protected in Latvia. 140 are dangered at the European level. Fishing villages and other cultural objects established by the world’s smallest ethnic minority, the Livonians, can be found here.Early birdwatching at Cape Kolka. Cape Kolka is one of the best places for birdwatching when it comes to the diversity of species during the spring migration.
Watching is done here from the beach since there is a wide view to the sea
across the horizont. Species might include Canadian Geese, Spotted Eagle, Pallid Harrier, Crested Lark, Red Kite, Red-footed Falcon, White-fronted Goose and many others.
Birdwaching in Slītere forest. There is a broad-leaf forests, ancient coast of Baltic Ice Lake. Woodpeckers and other forest birds and possibility to see some animals (red deer, beevor, wild boar etc.).

Accomodation and dinner at at Slītere National Park.

4.diena Slītere National Park – Riga

Early morning start at Cape Kolka to see migrating birds.

Birdwaching at the Cape Kolka. Watching is done here from the beach since there is a wide view to the sea across the horizont. Species might include Canadian Geese, Spotted Eagle, Pallid Harrier, Crested Lark, Red Kite, Red-footed Falcon, White-fronted Goose and many others.

Then drive to Mersrags and continue birdwatching there. There is a path which leads to the birdwatching tower at the seaside meadow which is rare
biotop and allows a wide look across the whole territory. Also walk along the
beach provide an excellent opportunity to spot various migrating birds.
To mention just few species at Mersrags:
Mute Swan, Common Scoter, Velvet Scoter, different terns. At Berzciems:
Whooper Swan, Barnacle Goose, Velvet Duck, Marsh Warbler etc.

Departure from Riga Airport

Attālumi ar automašīnu 171 km