A wild experience in Latvia - Maršruts

Dabas ceļojums
Dabas ceļojums Grupu Latvija

A wild experience in Latvia

1.diena Riga

Arrival at Riga International airport.

Accommodation in Riga.

2.diena Riga - Salacgrīva - Matīši


Departure from the hotel to Vidzeme Sea coast - Eastern side of Riga Gulf Visiting of Devonian sand stone cliffs near Vecmuiža, coastal meadows in Kuiviži, sea breakwater with possibility to see waders migration.

Lunch in Salacgrīva.

Burtnieki Lake region for some birding (great seasonal birds: Corn Crake, Great Snipe, Ural Owl) and at autumn time - Raptors migration and woodpeckers.

Accommodation and dinner in Matīši.

3.diena Matīši - Seda - Matīši


Departure to Seda bog. Possible to see some beaver actions. Bog is important nesting site for water birds.

Accommodation in Matīši.

4.diena Matīši - Smiltene - Līgatne


Drive to Mežole forests (owls and woodpeckers) and then to Gauja National Park.

Accommodation in Līgatne village.

5.diena Gauja National Park


Departure to mushroom tour. Mushrooming will pass beautiful forests with some great views across the river Gauja Valley.

Lunch in Sigulda.

Afternoon go through the content of basket and learn how they can be prepared.

Accommodation in Līgatne village.

6.diena Līgatne - Ķemeri National Park - Smārde


Departure to Rīga, then Kemeri National Park, which has a Black Alder trail through wet forests, ideal for spotting woodpeckers.

Accommodation in Smārde.

7.diena Smārde - Slītere National Park


Head towards Cape Kolka which is the prime location for autumn and spring migration. On the way you can stop ar Lake Engure (three birdwatching towers around the lake) for birdwatching.

Visit coastal area at Bērzciems.

Accommodation in Slitere National Park.

8.diena Slītere National Park


At Slitere National Park you hace a wildlife day visiting a beaver lodge, tracking various forest animals and possibiliity to see some of them.

Visit Slītere lighthouse for panoramic view of the area.

Birdwatching at Cape Kolka.

Accommodation in Slitere National Park.

9.diena Ventspils - Sabile - Rīga


Ventspils - small Old Town with Livonian Order Castle. Walk breakwaters for sea watching.

Continue to Užava floodplains and stop at Jūrkalne steep coast.

Turn inland towards Kuldīga.

Head towards Rīga through Abava ancient valley and Sabile and visit the Wine Hill.

Accommodation in Rīga.

10.diena Departure from Rīga


Departure from Rīga.