Autumn migrations - Praktiskā informācija

Dabas ceļojums
Dabas ceļojums Grupu Latvija

Autumn migrations

Praktiskā informācija

Kopējie attālumi ar automašīnu 760 km

Time of the tour: second week of September.

Guide: Andris Klepers (speaks English, German).

Similar tour can also be done during spring migrations (mid-April-May).

Tour can be extended into Lithuania - Nemuna Delta and Curonian Spit.

Tips Apraksts
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Selected species, most likely to be observed: great numbers of geese species: Tundra and Taiga Bean Goose, White-fronted Goose, Tundra Swan and diverse waterfowl, including Ducks, Scooters, Divers and Mergansers; Woodpecker species: Grey-headed & Black, Three-toed & White-backed, Little & Middle-spotted Woodpecker; Raptors: Rough-legged Buzzard and Northern Goshawk, White-tailed Eagle, Pygmy Owl, probably Tengmalm's Owl and also Hazel Grouse, Marsh and Coal Tit, Nutcracker. Good possibilities to see mammals including Red Fox, Roe-deer, Yellow-throated Marten, Moose and others.


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The tour goes through Kemeri National Park and Slitere National Park.