Spring Birdwatching Tour - Praktiskā informācija

Dabas ceļojums
Dabas ceļojums Grupu Latvija, Kurzeme

Spring Birdwatching Tour

Praktiskā informācija

Kopējie attālumi ar automašīnu 1229 km

TOUR GUIDE: Māris Strazds, ornithologist
PERIOD OF TRAVEL: End of Apr - begining of May
WALKING: Short walks combined with bus drives.

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Selected species: These territories are essential for migrating geese, different plovers, also Great Snipe, Corncrake, Lapwing and Curlews. Artificially made fish breeding ponds are great places to spot not only different types of ducks and waders but also predators like Sea Eagle, Marsh Harrier and others.


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