Mushroom Tour at Kurzeme Region - Маршрут

Природний тур
Природний тур Группа Латвия, Kurzeme

Mushroom Tour at Kurzeme Region

День 1 Arrival in Rīga

Transfer to the hotel.
Meeting with the guide at Nature History Museum and introduction with the
tour. Walk to the Central Market to see mushrooms for sale.

Free time.

Accomodation in Rīga.

День 2 Rīga – Sloka – Ķemeru nacionālais parks - Lapmežciems – Antiņciems – Valguma ezers – Milzkalns – Apšuciems - Rideļi


Mushrooming around Antiņciems at pine-tree forests as well as damp forests. Possible to find King Bolete (Boletus edulis), Orange Aspen Bolete
(Leccinum rufum), Orange Birch Bolete (Leccinum versipelle).

Lustūzis – the highest hill at the Ķemeri National Park, rolling landscape, varried types of forests and rich world of mushrooms. Among many others, possible to find Golden Chanerelle (Cantarellus tubaeformis), Horn of Plenty or Dead Man`s Fingers (Craterellus cornucopioides), Common Stinkhorn (Phallus impudicus), Golden Larch Bolete (Suillus grevillei), edible Sheeps Polypore (Albatrellus ovinus), deadly poisonous Death Cap (Amanita

Mushrooming at the coastal pine-forests near Apšuciems: traditional eadable mushrooms – Common Chanterelle (Cantarellus cibarius), Variegated Bolete (Suillus variegatus) and others. Then mushrooming at Rideļi for diffferent species of Russule Russula as well as Boletes.

In the evening oportunity to go through gathered mushrooms with the guide and cook them in the meal.

Accomodation near Rideļi

День 3 Rideļi - Engure – Šķēde - Talsi - Valdemārpils - Lube - Tiņģere - Dundaga


Šķēdes beechs growth with some rare for Latvia mushrooms. Visit local
wine maker at Lauciena.

Then we’ll follow Botanical trail along Krovalki house located at Talsi down
nature park. Possible to find Red-Cracking Bolete (Boletus pascuus) and other mushrooms.

Walk through picturesque Old Town of hilly Talsi located by two lakes.
On the way we’ll stop at Valdemārpils

Idol linden tree and then gather mushrooms along the banks of the river Roja. Here possible to find such valuable eadable mushrooms as Deer Truffle (Elaphomyces sp.) with parasitic Slender Truffle - Club (Cordyceps ophioglossoides) as well as Orange Caterpilar-Fungus (Cordyceps militaris) which emerges from lavae or pupae of moth.

Accomodation near Dundaga

День 4 Dundaga – Pāce – Ance – Ugāle - Zlēkas - Kuldīga


Excursion to Dundaga Castle which is the largest well preserved castles
at Kurzeme region. It’s history dates back to 13th century and its surrounded with lots of legends. At the Dundaga Park we might find Hen-of –the-Woods (Grifola frondosa) and Ceramic Parchment Fungus (Xylobolus frustulatus) while on the banks of Pāce Lake is a chance to find Chesnut Bolete (Gyroporus castaneu). Lonaste and Raķupe ancient oak where we look for Saffron Yellow Polypore (Hapalopilus croceus) and other typical oak mushrooms. At the largest array of forest between Ugāles – Zlēku is possible to find Cauliflower Fungus (Sparassis crispa).

Accomodation in Kuldīga district.

День 5 Kuldīga – Aizpute – Rudbārži – Rīga


We’ll start a day with excursoin through charming Old Town of Kuldiga with its widest waterfall of Europe, well preserved wooden buildings and 19th century brick bridge across the river Venta.

Then continue to Tebra oak growth where possible to see the strange Hen-of-the-Woods (Grifola frondosa), Hare’s Ear (Otidea onotica) and other unsual looking mushrooms. Visit to shitaki mushroom growers at Garīkas

At Rudbārži park possible to find Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) which widely used in Chinese traditional medicene.

Returning to Rīga.

Accomodation in Rīga.

День 6 Departure


Transfer to the airport.