Refreshing beverages such as birch, sea buckthorn, etc. Homemade wines, beers, liqueurs, and other hard beverages from licensed manufacturers.
Overview | Details |
Blankenfeldes muizas sulu un sirupu razotneThe Blankenfelde Estate is a cultural monument of national importance. The name of the estate was first recorded in 1462 when the Master of the Livonian Order rents the lands between the Svēte and Platone rivers to Claus von Medeheym (Medem). In 1561/62 during the age of the Duchy of Courland it becomes a private Estate, and is owned by von Medem family for nearly three centuries. The next owners are von Buttlar, von Manteuffel-Szoege, von Koenigsfels and von Hahn families. The Blankenfelde Estate buildings were erected in 1740-ies. Ther rooms in the main house are aligned in enfilades, decorated with Baroque interior elements. There is a typical vaulted cellar. The master’s house differs from the servants‘ quarters with its mezzanine along the building’s central axis and the second dloor. During the 19th century verandas are added supported by columns, and the building acquires the traits of Classicism. In 1924 – 1970 the estate serves as a home for elderly. During Soviet time, seasonal labour is accommodated in estate’s rooms. Today, the estate is privately owned. The noble looks are restored with renovations of the gatehouse and the gates, the stables, the landscape park. Roses and peonies adorn the estate’s garden. The buildings now contain a hotel, a modern production facility for juices and wines. The former stable houses a collection of bells from all the world’s countries. There are facilities for events with up to 60 participants. |
Brewery VALMIERMUIZAS ALUSTourists can learn about the history of the estate and the brewing of beer, beginning with raw materials and ending with finished products. The visit is enriched by tastings of live beer and stories about Latvia’s traditional holiday beverage. Alongside the brewery is a store which sells live beer, homemade goodies and selected souvenirs. The “Valmiermuižas alus virtuve” saloon popularises Latvian beers and uses beer in various dishes. A modern approach to homemade products is used to prepare foods and beer-based snacks. There is a beer garden during the summer, and the saloon merges traditional things with modern ones. Latvian cuisine: Smoked pork, filet of pike from Lake Burtnieks, green pea mash, with loganberries, quince, pumpkin birch juice and mushroom sauce as accompaniments. Special foods: Slice of pork marinated in unfiltered winter beer. |
Aldara alus darbnica"Aldara alus darbnīca" ir modernākais alus muzejs Baltijas valstīs un pirmais Latvijā. Alus muzejs atrodas vēsturiskajā Aldara kvartālā – Sarkandaugavā. Pēc vērienīgas rekonstrukcijas, vēsturiskās ēkas atjaunošanas un alus ekspozīcijas izveides, muzejs savas durvis vēra 2015. gada maijā. Muzejs izvietots trijos stāvos 800 kvadrātmetru platībā. Muzeja interjerā ir akcentētas vēsturiskās liecības, tā lepnums ir autentiskā alus vārītavas zāle, kas neskarta saglabāta kopš 1938. gada. Tās senie alus vārīšanas vara katli ir retums, kas saglabājušies līdz pat mūsdienām. Izmantojot jaunākās tehnoloģijas, senajos vārīšanas katlos interaktīvā veidā ir iespējams izpētīt četru galveno alus sastāvdaļu – ūdens, apiņu, iesala un rauga – burvību. Alus muzejs "Aldara alus darbnīca" labi papildina ēkas otrajā spārnā izvietoto alus darītavu, kas ikdienā brūvē pašas izsmalcinātākās Aldara alus šķirnes. Aldara alus darbnīcas viesiem ir iespēja izzināt Latvijā un citviet pasaulē brūvēto alus šķirņu dažādību un šarmu, iepazīties ar alus brūvēšanas noslēpumiem, kā arī pašiem nogaršot dažādus alus veidus. Tiek arī piedāvātas telpas dažādiem pasākumiem - konferencēm, semināriem, svinībām un saviesīgiem vakariem. |
Beer brewery TerveteThe Tērvete brewery produces not only beer, but also the thirst-quenching and refreshing kvass drink made from rye malt extract. The brewery was built in 1971. Over time, it has developed and become a modern factory of natural beverages of a high quality. The produce can be purchased on-site. |
Sidra daritava “Pienjani”The only organically certified cider in Latvia. Our Story Apples Ciders For Visitors Where to Buy |
Z/s "Dzimta"DZIMTAS VĪNU vīndares Martas Igaunes veidots ainavu dārzs ar augļu kokiem un ogulājiem starp bērzu puduriem un senču priedēm. Vīnogu, jāņogu un plūmju kolekcijas. Dabas veltes vīnu darināšanai. Vieta relaksējošai atpūtai dabā visai ģimenei senas Lubāna zvejnieku dzimtas mājasvietā. Ar varžu kori, putnu dziesmām, četriem skudru pūžniem un. Latgales smaržām un garšām. Apmeklētājiem piedāvājam dārza apskati, piknikošanas vietu, konsultācijas dārzkopībā un vīndarīšanā. No dārza un pļavas veltēm darināta vīna degustācijas tikai ar iepriekšējo pieteikšanos! |
Sparkling birch sap production plant BIRZIBirch sap for Labanovski family is a popular drink already for a long time. Sap is tasty when it’s fresh, but in order to maintain its refreshing and valuable qualities, during many years family has developed new recipes. Moving away from the traditional spices, drink was supplemented with mint, which made the sap more refreshing, fresh for a long time and with a pleasant flavor.
Sabiles SidrsSabile ciders are crafted from natural apple juice using traditional cider-making methods. Our Story Apples Ciders For Visitors Where to Buy |
Cirulisu Majas labumiOn the west coast of the Gulf of Riga, in the village of Kaltene, SIA “Rožkalns” produces homemade wines and ciders, fish products and other delicacies made from berries and flowers picked in the garden and forest. |
ABAVAS family-owned winery and cellarAbava Winery, located in the Abava River Valley in Kurzeme, invites you to sample Latvia’s fruit and berry ciders, wines, and distillates. Our Story Apples Ciders For Visitors Where to Buy |
The Drubazas farmAfter viewing the lovely scenes that are a part of the Drubazi nature trail, which runs along the banks of the Ancient Abava River Valley, the owner offers tastings of homemade wine. He produces wines from 12 different berries, including raspberries, black currants, blackberries, lingonberries, grapes, sea buckthorn, and others. |
Martina Vagnera Vina darzs un vinotava VINI CURLANDIARestoring Renda's winemaking traditions, which were relevant during the time of Duke Jacob, when Renda's sour red wine was popular in Jelgava court, it is offered to taste wine and pumpkin seeds in Mārtiņš Wagner's Vineyard and winery in Renda, it is also possible to see the grape and pumpkin garden. |
Mr. Plume cider productionMr Plūme Cidery crafts cider from select apple varieties grown in their own orchard and foraged from the wild, as well as perry made from carefully chosen pears. Our Story Apples Ciders For Visitors Where to Buy |
LANDGUT TURKALNEThe "Turkalne Manor" Brewery and Cidery is a place where history meets modern technology. Our Story Apples Ciders For Visitors Where to Buy |
Winery ZILVERZilver beverages come from the Zilver family country house in Sigulda. Our Story Apples Ciders For Visitors Where to Buy |
GarikasThis is the first farm in Latvia which began to grow mushrooms. Informative tours are available, advice is given, and guests are treated with the “emperor mushroom” sauce or soup. You can also order other foods which involve shitake mushrooms or purchase them in dry or powdered form. The owner also produces an ancient herbal beverage called “Ponšo,” and it is only available at Garīkas. |
Cider brewery TALAVAS SIDRSTālava Cidery creates 100% natural apple ciders, expanding traditional drink categories and challenging flavour stereotypes. Our Story Apples Ciders For Visitors Where to Buy |
A winery at the Tevini homesteadThis winery produces wine from fruits and berries from its own garden, as well as from wild fruits and berries – raspberry, apple, gooseberry, blackberry, strawberry, red bilberry, rowanberry, blueberry, red currant, elderberry, shadberry and dandelion wine. The main product is sparkling wine from raspberries that is similar to
The Latgale beer farm "Kolnasata"The slogan for this farm is “Here we produce real Latgale beer!” You can help to brew beer, listen to stories about traditions, and taste the finished products. The owner also offers country goodies as snacks – ones which are based on Lettigalian traditions. |
Winery LIGATNE WINERYLīgatne Winery is a family business that produces special ciders in the Gauja National Park. Our Story Apples Ciders For Visitors Where to buy |
Abavas gimenes vindaritavas vinogu darzs un vinotavaThe vineyard of the ABAVA family winery covers 3.5 ha at this time, and is being expanded year by year. We have a wide range of types of grapes, and we harvest them each year to produce a limited amount of wine. The winery was set up by the family of Mārtiņš and Liene Barkāns, and it is a well-developed company which produces high-quality beverages from fruits and berries that are grown in Latvia. The ABAVA winery was established in 2010, and it quite quickly became one of Latvia’s leading wineries. |
Spilves wineryThe small winery of the holiday house "Spilve" offers to buy and taste grape wines and distillates. The unique products are made from home-grown grapes, apples, rhubarb and honey. During the warmer months, guests are welcome to take an excursion through the vineyards. The cozy outdoor terrace offers wine tasting with snacks, small visitors and drivers with fruit juices! You must contact the owner Andrejs in advance about the tasting (+371 28663900) |
Vinery "Lauskis"Lauskis cider is crafted from organically grown apples in a nearly century-old apple orchard. Our Story Apples Ciders For visitors Where to buy |
PILSKROGSĒdole Castle is a unique historical building, as it is the only castle of the Bishopric of Courland that is still inhabited. The “Pilskrogs” café of Ēdole Castle offers a variety of original dishes, giving preference to ingredients purchased from local farmers and producers, as well as mushroom and berry pickers during the season. |
Madonas AlusMadonas Alus darītava atrodas savā vēsturiskajā vietā "Bodniekos", kur jau kopš 1906. gada ticis brūvēts miestiņš. Līdz pat mūsdienām ir saglabājusies gan senatnīgā laukakmeņu ēka, gan alus ledus pagrabi. Madonas Alus darītavas saimnieks Rolands Zaharovs personīgi uzņem viesus, lai parādītu, kā top visaugstākās kvalitātes īsts latviešu alus un dalās ar darīšanas procesa noslēpumiem. Iespēja nobaudīt dažādas alus šķirnes un iegādāties izlejamo alu tieši no darītavas. Lai noskaidrotu, kas ir alus pudeļu simfonija, dzirdētu to un izbaudītu, jāapskata alus ledus pagrabs. Izcilu grila ēdienu lietpratēji augstu novērtēs vasaras restorāna ēdienkarti, ko ar īpašu rūpību būs sagatavojis šefpavārs George Firesword, kā arī būs iespēja veldzēties ar svaigu, atspirdzinošu alu tieši no alus darītavas. Ekskursijas pieejamas no aprīļa. |
The Abuls cider breweryAbuls is one of the most experienced cider makers in Latvia. They craft artisanal cider near Smiltene, in Northern Vidzeme. Our Story Apples Ciders For Visitors Where to Buy |
Rundale Mill brewerySIA “Rundāles Dzirnavas” 2021. gadā īstenoja projektu, lai izveidotu nelielu alus darītavu un uzsāktu alus ražošanu Rundāles ūdensdzirnavu teritorijā. Tiek ražots gaišais un tumšais alu, kura visas sastāvdaļas tiek iepirktas Latvijā, bet graudi no vietējiem zemniekiem. Videi draudzīgā iekārta atbilst jaunākajiem ES standartiem un prasībām. Latvijas un ārvalstu tūristiem ir iespēja apvienot Rundāles pils apskati ar vēsturisko dzirnavu muzeja un alus darītavas apmeklējumu. Kompleksa teritorijā ir daudz iespēju daudzveidīgai interesantai laika pavadīšanai. Vienas dienas laikā var apmeklēt aizraujošas ekskursijas pa dzirnavām un alus darītavu, pastaigāties pa vietējiem, tuvējiem apskates objektiem, uzņemt lieliskas fotogrāfijas, atpūsties pludmalē un vizināties ar laivu, katamarānu, SUP dēli. |
Tori Jõesuu Cider and Wine FarmFruit and berry wine has been made at the Tori Jõesuu Cider and Wine Farm since its beginnings. The people currently living there are inspired by the experiences of their ancestors and value the fruits and berries that grow from the local Soomaa soil, which has a particular composition. The old feral apple tree, which grows in the yard, is particularly special because its golden apples have an unusual taste which makes the Tori Jõesuu Cider Farm cider unique. The visit also includes a tour of a genuine Nordic vineyard. The Cider tour around Tori Jõesuu Cider and Wine Farm on the edge of Soomaa has been awarded the EHE (Genuine and Interesting Estonia) quality label. The farm introduces guests to the secrets of good cider and wine making, the special features of the cultivation of northern grapes, as well as offers catering and organises tastings. |
Brewery BRENGULU ALUSThe garden is opposite the Brenguļi brewery, where unfiltered and unpasteurised beers are made from locally grown grains and on the basis of the knowledge of ancestors. The beer garden offers light and dark Brenguļi beer, as well as Latvian dishes. Latvian cuisine: Grey peas with bacon, sausages with cabbage, Rūjiena ice cream. |
The Dzidris home-made wineThe farm produces homemade wines made from natural raw materials that are grown locally or bought from nearby farmers – apples, rhubarb and black currants. Black currant spirits are also available. During a tour, you will learn about how the beverages are prepared, taste them, and purchase some for yourself at the farm’s little shop. |
The Vejkalnietis wineryThe owner uses Latvian products to make and offer more than 20 different wines, including some that are made of exotic flowers. You can taste and purchase wines made of berries, fruit, vegetables and flowers, including white jasmine, the elderberry tree, dandelions, the large cranberry, etc. There is a lily garden alongside which is the largest one in Eastern Europe and offers plants for sale. The day lily garden offers a look at globally famous types of day lilies which can be purchased. Many of these have been developed by the originator of the garden, Varis Baņģieris. More than 1,000 types of day lilies can be seen and purchased. The garden is open from 9:00 AM until 7:00 PM every day in July and August, when the flowers bloom. The owner also offers tastings of homemade wine that is called "Vējkalnietis." |
THE GARDENS OF SELIJAYour visit to the Sēlija tree farm will include an exciting story from the owner, Mendriķis, about apple trees. You can tour the orchard, warehouses and processing facilities, enjoying a glass of apple juice or listening to the story about winemakers while sipping a glass of apple wine. |
Edmunda Bumana Vina darzsThe visitors are offered the excursion around the wine garden and the story about different sorts of grapes and the secrets of wine-making. During the excursion the vistiors can learn about the traditions of growing grapes in Latvia, to see and taste the newest tendencies of grape selectioning,as well as receive advice on growing and tending grapes. It is also possible to try home-made wines and buy grapes saplings. |
Latgolys smakovkaTrue Latgalian Apple Cider from Malnava Manor Our Story Apples Cider For Visitors Where to Buy |
Brewery RAISKUMA LABUMU DARITAVAA former manor barn, located by the lake in Raiskums, 8 km from Cēsis, where bread and beer is made. Offers beer brewed according to ancient traditions, bread and smoked meat prepared following the recipes of ancestors. Bread is cooked in a wood oven with natural sourdough. The special taste is obtained in the wood-fired beer brewing pot and old countryside bread making oven. Guided tour and tasting. |
Brewery BURSHBURSH brewery – one of the smallest breweries in Latvia which is situated between Zemgale, Vidzeme, Latgale and Selija territories – in the Plavinu territory of Aiviekste district. Beer connoisseurs are offered dark and light beer BURSH. BURSH is made of water, barley malt, hop and yeast, is boiled on a firewood stove, fermented in oak barrels and prepared for 30 days. LLC „ECOS” uses only natural raw material in the process of brewing. Beer is made according to the special recipes made especially for BURSH brewery and with attention to traditiaonal methods of brewing beer. |
PumpursA small beer brewery and shop in Lielvārde that organises tastings and offers to taste Latvian delicacies on-site and to purchase them for take away. |
Jadvygos Balvociutės farmThe farm is open to visitors all year round, but the best time to visit is during the spring and summer. The farm offers 45-minute lectures about plants, after which there is a 30-minute tour of local plants outdoors. |
MIGLA Alus daritavaMIGLA ir mazā alus darītava, tas ir sens saimnieka sapnis, kurš realizējies, spēkus apvienojot kopā ar jaunāko meitu. Alus garšu meklēšanā, receptūru izstrādē, kā arī novērtēšanā piedalās visa ģimene, kur īpašas alus someljē īpašības piemīt vecākajai meitai. Apvienojot visas ģimenes stiprās puses - darītāju, runātāju un garšu pazinēju un dizaina ekspertu, tapis MIGLAS alus, kas šobrīd piedzīvo savus pirmos soļus alus pasaulē un cer iepriecināt ne vienu vien alus baudītāju! Lielu daļu alus darīšanas tiek veikta ar rokām, svērti un malti graudi, rēķināts ideālais apiņu un graudu daudzums, tiek liets, pārliets un skalots. Darītava laprāt uzņem viesus degustācijām, kurās piedāvā ne tikai nogaršot alu, bet arī cienā ar pašceptu maizi un cepumiem, kā arī iepazīstina ar alus darīšanas procesu un vēsturisko Uzvaras Līdumu, kurā atrodas alus darītava. Mazais brūzis atrodas vienviet ar Ķiploku pasauli - otru ģimenes aizraušanos, tāpēc uzreiz var apskatīt divas saimniecības. |
Kugrenu vina daritavaSaimniecība nodarbojas ar 15 veidu vīna darīšanu no Latvijas augļiem, ogām un citām dabas veltēm, kā arī vīna destilāta ražošanu. Vīna darītavā vīndaris pastāstīs par vīna izgatavošanu un dalīsies savā pieredzē. Uz vietas iespējams nobaudīt dažādus izsmalcinātus augļu un ogu vīnus, meklējot sev tīkamākās garšu un smaržu nianses. Vīna darītava sadarbojas ar vietējo zemnieku saimniecībām, tēdēļ pie vīna iespējams nobaudīt sieru no govs vai aitas piena un Bauskas pusē ražotus saldumus. |
The Vecpapani farmThe farm grows fruit trees and raspberries, and it makes homemade wines from various fruits and berries, including raspberries, black currants and apples. You can purchase products, and groups of up to 25 people can attend wine tastings in a very fine hall. |
The Eko Vins winery in AizputeThe shadowy cellar of the estate is a great place to hear about how homemade wine is made. You can taste rhubarb, black currant and strawberry wine along with local goodies such as cheese. Local farmers provide the ingredients for the wine. |
JaanihansoJaanihanso Cider House makes cider from natural Estonian apples. Here there is a special technique applied to making the cider – the cider clears and matures as same as the best champagne in the world does. Here it’s possible to try different ciders and for additional fee, snacks to with it, as well as take a tour around the Cider House. In this case, registering one week in advance is necessary. |
Öun DrinksÖun Drinks makes refreshing lemonades and ciders from Estonian apple juice. You will also see the lemonade making process. You can taste and buy it to enjoy at home. |
DzintarlaseThe owner produces honey and related products such as pollen and propolis, honey wine, and an alcoholic beverage called “Bee’s Kiss.” You can take a tour of the beekeeping operations and purchase the products. |
UUE-SAALUSE WineryFrom the berries and fruits that grow in the wonderful Võrumaa hilly area, farmers make wine, introduce guests to their garden, explain the wine making process, organise tastings and classes. |
Brewery JUHUSThis farm keeps Thuringian breed goats and makes goat's milk cheese, as well as a various snacks. In addition, herbs and medicinal plants used for teas and natural cosmetics are also grown here. |
Saku BrewhouseSince 1820 people have been brewing Estonian beer here using local ingredients, like groundwater, yeast and others. The Saku Brewhouse name comes from the previous brewery that worked until 1992. The brewhouse also has a museum where you can see beer production from centuries ago until this very day. During the tour it is possible to taste freshly made beer. Minors are not allowed to participate in the tour. |
Nord Wolf (Cesvaines Bruzis)Jau no seniem laikiem Cesvainē zinājuši alu, vīnu un brandvīnu. Pirmais krogs minēts jau pirms 1520.gada. Cesvaine var lepoties ar savulaik lielāko un svarīgāko krogu Vidzemē - Šļākas krogu. Barona Vulfa pils pagrabi vienmēr bijuši pilni ar labām vīna, liķiera un brandvīna pudelēm. |
Ligatne Luxury Nanofiltred Extracts (L.Y.N.X)Birch juice syrup with reverse osmosis is obtained. Technologically impressive view of 1.5 tons of water squeezed out of birch sap per hour. Here, reverse osmosis equipment can press 95% of pure water from birch sap. As a result, the sugar content of the remaining birch sap concentrate reaches 33% Brix. The concentrate is frozen and sold. |
Winery NAUKSENU VININaukšēni Winery is an organic farm producing cider from Paradise apples. Our Story Apples Ciders For Visitors Where to Buy |
Majas vina daritava “Saules Veltes”“Saules veltes” ir mājas vīna darītava Salaspilī, kas nodarbojas ar mājas vīnu, liķieru un degvīnu gatavošanu. Alkoholiskie dzērieni tiek ražoti no dabīgiem dārza augļiem un ogām, tostarp upenēm, avenēm, cidonijām, pīlādžiem un pat mārrutkiem. Apmeklētājiem ir iespēja aplūkot saimniecību (uzņem arī 15-20 lielas tūristu grupas), kā arī degustēt konkrētos dzērienus, kurus arī turpat ir iespējams iegādāties; piedāvājumā lieli un mazi tilpumi, dāvanu un suvenīru komplekti.
Brewery MULGIIn the very heart of Mulgimaa there is a family brewery that respects local foods and beverages. Visitors can observe the beer making process and taste different sorts of Mulgi beer. |
"Zoltners" restorans un alus daritavaThe “Zoltners” restaurant offers dainty dishes from fresh seasonal products. The key philosophy of the menu is staying natural and unsophisticated. Endijs Vīnerts, the restaurant chef, has a special approach to create the combinations of tastes that are characteristic to North Europe and to discover new nuances of the tastes of local products. |
Cizo beerThis is a brewery in a lovely part of Lithuania known as Little Switzerland, surrounded by forests, lakes and castle hills. "Čizo" beer is light, unfiltered and alive, and it is produced on the basis of ancient traditions with forest bee honey. The brewer has not just a recipe, but also equipment so that he can offer a look at ancient methods of beer brewing. |
Vins un stasti Krimuldas muizaIespēja iepazīties ar mājas vīna gatavošanas procesu, un kopā ar Krimuldas muižas vīndari izzināt mājas vīna gatavošanas noslēpumus un degustēt vīnu, kas pagatavots no dažādām ogām. Vīna īstā garša vislabāk atklājas, klausoties stāstus par muižas dzīvi! |
The Ligatne Spoon workshopThe spoon workshop offers useful objects such as wooden spoons, cutting boards, butter knives, pans, spatulas, etc. You can produce your own wooden spoon and look at finished spoons made of more than 17 different types of wood from Latvia. During the summer the owners offer “pancake tours” with tasty jams. You can purchase spoons and homemade wine. |
Uzavas alusThe brewery of Uzava offers group excursions where you are told about the history of the place and the brewing process. It is possible to buy different sorts of beer and beer-related souvenirs in the nearby shop. |
The Naukseni People’s MuseumThe museum offers information about local manufacturing traditions, as well as products from SIA Naukšēni – various oils (made of rapeseed and hempseed), ten non-alcoholic beverages (kvass, mineral water), as well as tastings of homemade wine. Some of the products can be purchased. |
Kabile Manor WineryDrinks are made from fruits and berries grown in Kurzeme region and hand-picked. 100% handmade. Our Story Apples Ciders Visitors Where to Buy |
Zemnieku saimnieciba "Kalni"The farm offers visitors an excursion around the garden and wine cellars; it is possible to try wine, as well as buy wine, candy and marmalade. |
Maker of alcoholic beverages VESELIBAS LABORATORIJA (HEALTH LABORATORY)This location produces alcoholic beverages, including vodka called “Red Cliff Water”, other vodkas, and liqueurs made of cranberries, lingonberries, blackberries, mountain-ash, sea buckthorn, as well as a special “Christmas balsam.” Tours are available with interesting stories about how the beverages are produced. |
Brewery CESVAINES ALUSIn the vicinity of Cesvaine Castle, in the manor complex building, natural live beer is brewed according to ancient methods. The 150-year-old tradition of beer brewing, inspired by the first city brewery in 1865, has been revived here. Offers excursions in the brewery and tasting. |
Sidra daritava HerbstsHerbsts is a family-owned cidery producing natural, locally crafted cider in the western region of Latvia, Kurzeme. Our Story Apples Ciders For Visitors Where to Buy |
Wine estate ALLIKUKIVIWine production at Allikukivi takes place in the old servants’ house of the broadcloth factory director. Guests are welcome to taste a wide variety of drinks on the estate's balcony and explore the secrets of wine making, history of the manor and berry plantations. Manufacture of fruit and berry wines using Estonian recipes. |
The Bauska breweryVisitors to the brewery can learn how beer is brewed and taste the beers and mead drinks that are produced there. |
The Ciruli farmThe farm produces homemade wine made of rhubarb, birch juice and apples. Tour the winemaking facilities and examine the process. You can taste and purchase products. |
The Duminu wineryTour groups with at least ten people can enjoy tastings of various homemade wines (23 types in all) that are made of fruits and berries – three types of wine each time. The owner will tell you about winemaking technologies and ways to drink and enjoy wine. |
MazburkasThe Mazburkas farm is in a lovely location between the Rīga-Ventspils (A 10) highway and Tukums, with a beautiful and hillocky landscape all around it. There are fields grapes on the southern slopes of the hillocks, and some 60 different kinds of grapes are grown there. Visitors can pick their own grapes or buy some that have already been picked. The lady of the farm produces outstanding wines that have received prestigious prizes, including international ones. Another specialisation is sheep breeding. Visitors can look at the herd and purchase mutton if they contact the farm in advance for that purpose. There is a large wooden platform at the farm for visitors. Owner Gunta Niedra is happy to share in her experiences and provide consultations to those who wish to engage in sheep breeding. |
Homemade wine at “Stop for Thoughts”The owner of the venue makes homemade wine on the basis of traditions that have been handed down from generation to generation. You can taste four different wines along with snacks and engage in philosophical discussions about winemaking recipes. You can also buy the wines. |
Tervetes viniTērvetes vīni ir ģimenes vīna darītava Tērvetē. Ražojam vīnu no pašu audzētām ogām un augļiem – avenēm, āboliem, ķiršiem, ērkšķogām, upenēm, cidonijām un no “īpašā dārzeņa” – rabarbera! 2019. gadā esam uzsākuši arī sava vīnogu dārza veidošanu un plānojam piedāvāt saviem viesiem vīnogu vīnu. Mēs - Dace un Sandris Laizāni, Tērvetes vīnu saimnieki esam kaislīgi “vīna mīļi” un šo mīlestību pret vīnu vēlamies nodot arī mūsu viesiem! Jums piedāvājam vīna darītavas apskati un vīnu degustāciju ar omulīgām sarunām par vīna tapšanu jaukā lauku ainavā Tērvetes upes krastā. Atkarībā no sezonas piedāvājam dažādu augļu un ogu vīnu, dzirkstošo vīnu un brendiju degustāciju. Saimniece Dace arī palutinās Jūs ar nelielām uzkodām - mājās ceptu maizi un pašas sietu sieru. |
The owner of the guesthouse produces homemade wine from blackberries, black currants, lingonberries, oak leaves, birch sap, strawberries, gooseberries, apples, cranberries, cowslip, and 20 other raw materials. You can taste the wines, learn about how it is produced, and purchase some to take along with you. |
Gifts from DurbeThis venue produces homemade fruit, berry and dandelion wine from local products and with no preservatives, as well as interesting products such as spicy plum sauce and fruit and berry conserves. Groups of tourists can go on a tour and taste and purchase the products. |
Winery MATILDEA house winery near Valmiera, on the way to Sietiņiezis. A tour of the winery, tasting and purchasing of Latvian berries, fruits, flower wines and vermouths. For small groups we offer "Wine Labs", "Wine and Chocolate Flavour Matching Quest". |
Beer museum A. LE COQAt Estonia's oldest and largest beverage producer, brewery A. Le Coq, visitors of the brewery museum are invited to get acquainted with the history of beer brewing and beer culture, modern beer production as well as taste the beer. More than 2000 exhibits, opportunity to taste beer and other delicacies in the tavern of museum. You can buy beer and snacks to go with it, as well as souvenirs in the small store of the museum. |
Murbudu cider productionAs the owners say, Mūrbūdu Cider is an Abnormal Cider - here are no traditions, and creativity knows no bounds. Our Story Apples Ciders For Visitors Where to Buy |
The Smilskalni farmThis farm grows black currants, blackberries, raspberries, rowans, sea-buckthorn and other berries from which the owner produces homemade wine. The cellar of the castle of the former Order of Kuldīga (with room for up to 25 people) offers tastings of three different wines. Larger groups are welcome to the granary of the Padure Estate. |
Kurzemes vinu degustacija Slokenbekas muizaIn the 400-year old manor’s cellars (possibly the oldest in Latvia) one is offered to taste the home-made wines produced in Kurzeme (3-7 different wines), as well as the special wine of Shlokenbeka manor with the indigenous countryside goods (you are promised a suprise!) |
Indie Janis alus daritava un krogsThe brewery is located in Upespils, Suntaži parish, Ogre district. IndieJānis Brewery is one person's foolishness, longing for life and cheerfulness, which is why the owner's main goal when brewing is to create a certain taste, regardless of the cost of the product. Beer can be purchased locally in brewery by prior contact, as well as in pubs - TAKA, Brevings, Zobens un Lemess, Vinilbārs, Alus Muiža, Miezis un kompānija, Valmiermuižas alus vēstniecība. |
Household product shop PIE KARLINESA gift shop in the old town of Cēsis near Rose Square, in the building of the former hotel "Baltischer Hof". The shop is named after the hotel's former owner, Karlīne. It is possible to buy gifts, handicraft items, souvenirs, as well as delicious homemade products, homemade wines and spirits here. |
Brewery PÖIDESaaremaa has had strong beer brewing traditions since olden times. In Kuressaare, the building with Art deco elements where electricity was once made, is now a home for the beer brewery Pöide that demonstrates the art of beer brewing – you will learn several secrets and taste various beers in the special tasting room. |