Meza salas - Info

Gästehaus Lettland, Vidzeme, Limbažu novads

Meza salas


Roberts Šilings
+371 29 122 133
"Meža Salas"
Limbažu pag.
Limbažu nov.
LV-4020, Lettland
Wegbeschreibung (mit PKW)

 From Riga take the road A1 towards Tallinn. Follow the signpost to Limbaži to  the right and drive 7,7km (bus stop Virbotnes). There turn to the right on a gravel road and drive ca 4,5km. Look for the driveway on the right side with signpost "Meža salas". The driveway will take you to your holiday site.

From other way from Igate:

After Igate need to turn left toward Inte, after Inte continue to Lāde, turn wright to P53 and then turn left to Jumpravmuiza.

From Igate to Meza salas there is ~ 20 km.


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