Nationalpark Gauja. Sigulda - Ligatne - Reiseroute

Aktivtouren Reisen auf eigene Faust Lettland, Vidzeme

Nationalpark Gauja. Sigulda - Ligatne

Tag 1 Sigulda - Līgatne

Paradise Hill with the most beautiful view of the Gauja valley, the deep ravines of Dauda, Svīķupīte and Vildugas, the Alpine rock, Gūdu cliffs are just some of the attractions of the first day.

Tag 2 Ligatne and surroundings

Visit of Ligatne Nature Trails. The animal living  conditions are very close to their natural habitats.  Ligatne Viewing Tower, Ligatne Nature Trail Visitor Center. Visit of the historic Ligatne paper mill village. Lustuzis, migratory fish route in Līgatne river. Can visit also spoon factory and winery in Ligatne.