The Skriveri arboretum

Anpflanzung Lettland, Vidzeme, Skrīveru novads

The Skriveri arboretum

This is the oldest arboretum in Latvia. It was planned by the owner of the Skrīveri Estate, Maximmilian von Sievers (1857-1919). It has to be said that before World War I, there were two times more species of plants in the park than is the case now. The plants are grouped in accordance with the geo-botanic regions of the world. There are trails in the park, and signs showing the Latvian and Latin name of each plant are there, as well. There’s a fountain which is operated from every hour on the hour from 11:00 AM until 11:00 PM from Tuesday until Sunday. On the other side of the Rīga-Daugavpils highway is the Skrīveri Forest Park with hiking trails.
Entfernung von der Hauptstadt79 Saison1-12