Ferienhaus und Bio-Bauernhof INDRANI - Spezialisierung

Ländliche Leckereien
Ländliche Leckereien Lettland, Amatas novads

Ferienhaus und Bio-Bauernhof INDRANI


Typ Beschreibung
Lokale Lebensstil
Lokale Lebensstil

The owners of "Indrāni" are farmers and inhabitants of Skujene parish in countless generations. This is evidenced by the oldest church register books. Now the "young", Margēviči family, livea and work here. The current owners of "Indrāni" have been operating in Indrāni since 1988. The landlord's parents exchanged the overgrown patches of land with the ruins of old buildings for a "Līvāni" type house. There came better and worse times, joys and sorrows. But the main thing is and remains - work, land, family. The owners are proud that everything they offer to their customers is made on the farm. From the seeds in the bed to the full baskets in the cellar, from the berries in the bog to the jar. Recipes made in Indrani are not found elsewhere in the world - red clover marmalade, linden candies in chocolate, heather syrup, chamomile kvass and more, and more. "Indrāni" is organic farm. For many people a year is white at both ends and green in the middle, but in  Indrāni it is green throughout. And year after year!

Liene and Aleksandrs Margeviči, Ilva Margeviča and Jānis Jasulis. The Margeviči family is not entrepreneurs or businessmen, they are simply the owners of their land. Aleksandrs is a forester by profession, but the new generation is a professional chef. All other work is done with a body of knowledge that has been inherited and accumulated from experience over the years.


  • Arrival at the farm “Indrāni”, getting acquainted with the owners.
  • Insight into the confectionery workshop and getting acquainted with how Indrāni delicacies are made.
  • Walk on nature trails.
  • Making your own necklace from self-found pebble (approx. 30 min)
  • Tasting of local delicacies:
  1. Marmalades;
  2. Jams;
  3. Herbal teas;
  4. Candied fruit;
  5. Bread;
  6. Canned food.
Schöne Landschaften
Schöne Landschaften

Gehört einer Marke

Logo Marke Beschreibung
Flavours of Livonia - Producer

Auf dem Familienbauernhof werden Bio-Produkte angebaut und verarbeitet: Gemüse, Obst, Marmeladen, Sirupe, Sukkaden, getrocknete Gewürzpflanzen, Tees.

Zertifizierte Bio-Gummibonbons.

Der Roggenweg - Bäcker

Besichtigung des Betriebs für Gruppen bis 10–40 Pers., 1 Std. 30 Min.