The 4th European Congress on Rural Tourism is launched


The  4th European Congress on Rural Tourism, organised jointly by EuroGites and our Romanian partners of ANTREC, is now officially launched to take place in Romania, October 7-10, 2012. Detailed programme here. Follow program updates in the congress web site: 

The Congress provides a meeting point and discussion forum for the rural tourism entrepreneur, for public and private authorities, and for any other professional involved in rural tourism.This year's Congress will deal during two days with the following matters:

  • The importance of tourism for rural areas ‐ past and future
  • Innovative concepts and products in Rural Tourism
  • Keeping rural communities and heritage alive through tourism
  • Rural Tourism in the world of internet and social media
  • Cultural heritage
  • Natural resources
  • Gastronomy
  • Greenways

Before, during, and after the congress, a wide range of related events is available for participants: visits, activities, seminars, artistic programs, documentary presentations, and a rural tourism fair.

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