Baltic Country Holidays nachrichten

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Baltic Country Holidays nachrichten

The ERASMUS+ programme project "UPSKILL" aims at developing the skills of early drop-outs and low qualified adult through the development of an innovative short term study programme. Five partners from Turkey, Latvia, Spain, Italy and Austria have developed an analysis report on key skills for the tourism sector as well as an deriving model for the attribution of ECVET credits with key knowledge, skills and competences. 

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After almost 18 month of work, the “Seniors Go Rural” project presents the results of its activities.  A reduced yet comprehensive list of rules and requirements sets the frame for age-group friendly tourism services.  Based on these criteria, new and innovative products were created and tested.  The “Silver Suitcase” logo identifies adequate services to the target group, and the associated Guest Card provides special conditions and value-added services to them. 

All offers for seniors you can find here:

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Am 15.-24. Januar findet die Internationale Grüne Woche in Berlin statt. Die Grüne Woche ist die größte und bekannteste Ausstellung der Ernährungs- und Landwirtschaft in der Welt, die jedes Jahr stattfindet. Auch dieses Jahr ist auf der Ausstellung Lettland mit einem 250 Quadratmeter großen Stand in Halle 8.2 der Messe Berlin Gmbh vertreten.

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20.06. - 24.06.2015: Geschlossen               

25.06. - 27.06.2015: 09:00 -16.00 Uhr

28.06.2015: Geschlossen        

Um an der Verlosung teilzunehmen, füllen Sie bitte diesen Fragebogen aus.

- Der Hauptpreis ist ein Reisegutschein über 300 EUR für eine Buchung nach Ihrer Wahl aus den Angeboten von Baltic Country Holidays. Aufenthaltsdauer, Zahl der Personen, und das besuchte Land – Lettland, Litauen, Estland – sind Ihnen dabei freigestellt; der Gewinner kann selbstverständlich auch unsere Beratung in Anspruch nehmen

- Acht Gewinner erhalten Gutscheine für Aufenthalte aus den Angeboten in dieser Broschüre. 


Die Gewinner werden über elektronische Medien benachrichtigt.
Buchungen müssen über Baltic Country Holidays erfolgen. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne mit weiteren
Informationen und Arrangements für Ihren Aufenthalt.
Die Verlosung ndet am 11. Mai 2015 statt.
Die Gutscheine müssen bis zum 31. Dezember 2015 genutzt werden, sofern nichts anderes
vereinbart wird.
Alle Informationen zur Verlosung nden Sie unter oder über Facebook.

Mehr Informationen.


Our new cycling map includes 9 cycling routes, 240 tourism objects, how to travel to and around the Baltic States.
This cycling map contains brief descriptions of 9 cycling routes withing the three Baltic States as well as descriptions of 240 tourism objects found along the
cycling routes. There are also marked local cafes and pubs in the map, where we recommend to have a meal. Several routes or their separate sections can be combined
together. The Baltic landscape is gentle rolling hills.None of the featured routes are particularly difficult and most routes are suitable for beginners.

More detailed route descriptions are available at

Electronic version: English / German

This year Latvia is a partner country of “International Green Week” which takes place from 16-25th January, 2015 in Berlin. Latvia's stand is planned as a rural homestead with demonstrations of produce from gardens, meadows, the Baltic Sea as well as representation of rural tourism. Food tastings, demonstrations, and various activities will take place during the fair. Tourism of Latvia will be representing by Latvian Rural tourism association “Lauku celotajs” and Latvian National airline AirBaltic. 


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Just when the years are going to turn our Winter Newsletter is out. 

We wish to all of you successful 2015 and a lots of pleasure enjoying what the tourism can give us.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!


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We were glad to read in UK's "Daily Mail" that birch juice is conquering the world as one of the top health drinks. Read here.

Living in the country where there is no shortage of birch trees Latvians has collected and drunk birch sap for centuries. When you drive around Latvia in April, it is a common sight as in the photo here. The hand written signes along the roads that fresh birch sap available for purchase are also common.


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Latvian Country Tourism Association is a partner in the project „Corporate Social Responsibility Training'',  where partners from Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Poland, Crotia and Greec have gathered, to apply in their home countries Travelife Sustainability System for Tour Operators & Travel Agencies, with aim to rise awarnese of tourism impact, manage and improve social and environmental actions by complying with the sustainability criteria, as well as to support effective measures, trainings and consultations. More information about Travelife system can be found here Press release about project updates can be found here!

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