Our publications in English: accommodation catalogue „Country Holidays”, maps and travel guides for touring Latvia by car, bike, boating or hiking offer practical information and are most useful to plan and experience your holidays in Latvia. We have inspected all sites and tested all routes which are described. See below the details about contents of each of our publications.
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Publication | Description |
Rye Road - Travel around Latvia and explore the rye grain’s journey from field to fork!This brochure introduces the benefits of rye and both traditional and modern dishes offered by bakers, farmsteads and pubs in Latvia. In order to give everyone the opportunity to enjoy both ancient and modern flavours, six diligent hosts have teamed up to create the Rye Road initiative. This culinary tourism offer is directed at anyone who appreciates natural and healthy food, who cares about the energy, nutritional value and origin of food, who is eager to explore the culinary traditions for using rye and who is excited to learn something new. The creators of the Rye Road initiative not only bake their own rye bread and prepare delicious dishes from rye, but also honour the ancient traditions and introduce others to them, thus bringing these traditions into modern life. There is a map an appendix to the Rye Road brochure. The map of the Rye Road is intended for planning visits and trips. This map shows the 52 members of the Rye Route who are open to visitors: farms, home producers, guest houses, small bakeries and bakery shops, country... more |
The Story of Cider and Travel Map - "Cider Route"The Cider Route will take you to various Latvian cideries, as well as restaurants and pubs that serve cider to their guests. Cider is produced in the North, East and West of Latvia. The Cider Route will give you an insight into the specifics of Latvian cider and introduce you to the culinary traditions and cultural heritage of different regions. You will have the opportunity to meet cider makers who run small businesses and take care of their orchards. They will not only tell you about their work but also allow you to join in! The initiative for the creation of the Cider Route in Latvia was developed by “Lauku ceļotājs, the Latvian Rural Tourism Association, and by the enthusiastic cider makers – Abavas Family Winery, Abuls Cidery, Mr. Plūme Cidery, Naukšēnu Winery, Tālavas Cider, and Turkalnes Manor, all of which have come together in a joint project to create and promote cider as a new tourism product of national identity. This brochure provides information on Latvian cider culture and local traditions, as well as information on open days, regional festivals... more |
"Hiker-friendly" criteriaHiking tourists are in close contact with the region in which they are and find it particularly important to feel that they are welcome and understood. This emotion is primarily created by visual information such as information stands, directional signs, appropriate information materials, thematic books and guidebooks. Hikers are expecting to find necessary products at local shops, as well as knowledgeable and helpful people who want to assist them. In many places where hikes are popular, there are signs or stickers which read “Hiker-Friendly”. This may be a part of a certification programme, and the signs are only received by venues which meet the relevant criteria. The signs may also be used by responsible tourism organisations, with businesses being free to choose whether or not they want to post the sign. In other cases, this can be the initiative of businesses as such. The “Hiker-Friendly” sticker or sign is an effective way of demonstrating that the target audience is welcome. The signs are well-known all over the world, and travellers who spot them clearly understand that their needs will be understood and that there will be someone who will be prepared to share valuable information. If a tourism product is to be successful, involved parties must have... more |
A Guide for Food and Beverage Producers of the "Livonian Culinary Route"This guide summarizes tips for food and beverage manufacturers that encourage them to present their product and its story in a thoughtful way, and to think about how to make an emotional connection with the consumer of the origin of the product. Inspired stories of small producers in Latvia and Estonia are good examples of tourism development. The tips and advice in this booklet can expand your knowledge of the insights into the food preparation process and how to make this food adventure. Involvement in different areas of culinary tourism creates many direct contacts with consumers. Direct and enthusiastic product reviews from food lovers are extremely valuable and enrich the daily life of the small producer. The guide is available electronically (in PDF format) in Latvian and Estonian... more |
Forest Trail brochure and mapThe brochure introduces the long-distance hiking route FOREST TRAIL, which passes ~ 1060 km through the forests of Latvia and Estonia, from Riga to Tallinn. In Latvia, FOREST TRAIL runs through the Gauja National Park, the Northern Gauja Forestlands and Veclaicene. In Estonia, FOREST TRAIL runs through the Haanja uplands, the Setomaa un Peipsimaa regions and further along the coast of Northern Estonia - to Tallinn. The route along the Estonian part includes the Lahemaa National Park and the coast of Northern Estonia, which is the land of the most impressive rocks, waterfalls and clints in the Baltic States. You will recognize FOREST TRAIL as Mežtaka in Latvia and as Metsa Matkarada in Estonia. |
Touroperator manual "Flavours of Livonia"This brochure includes thematic visits and farm programs as well as guided tours in Latvia and Estonia. They are designed for individual travelers and / or tourist groups and can be easily adapted to the needs of travelers. You can learn more about farms where you can get to know the unique local foods directly from the producers, watch the cooking or take part in the process, dine on home-cooked traditional food or enjoy local wine and beer. more less |
Tourism map "Kihnu Reesuratas"In the tourism map "Kihnu Reesuratas" (Kihnu Travel Wheel) there is available the round route for discovering the cultural and natural sights on Kihnu island by foot, with a bicycle or even with a nostalgic sidecar. Kihnu Travel Wheel introduces the cultural space, landscapes and sea views acknowledged by UNESCO to the visitors. more less |
Katram nostūrim savi paradumi (Kihnu, Setu, Suitu un Lībiešu svētki un atzīmējamās dienas)Šī grāmata ir sava veida turpinājums 2019. g. pavasarī iznākušajai grāmatai „Katrai tautai savs tērps“. Ja iepriekšējā grāmatā iepazīstinājām ar četru dažādu tautu – setu, kihniešu, suitu un lībiešu jeb līvu – tautastērpiem, tad šajā izdevumā iepazīstināsim ar šo tautu svinamajām dienām, kā arī svarīgākajiem ikgadējiem kultūras notikumiem. Mūsdienās cilvēki jau sen vairs nedzīvo tikai pēc baznīcas kalendāra. Gan kihniešiem, gan setiem, gan suitiem gan lībiešiem ir daudz svinamu dienu un pasākumu, kas ir radušies samērā nesen, bet jau kļuvuši par nozīmīgiem kultūras notikumiem. Ja baznīcas svētki ir vairāk domāti savējiem un tūristi tajos netiek īpaši gaidīti, tad uz jaunizveidotajiem pasākumiem viesi no citurienes ir laipni lūgti. Grāmata ir pieejama:... more |
"Go Rural" product manual 2019 - Latvia/Estonia/South coast FinlandThis manual is aimed at helping you discover rural destinations in the South of Finland, Estonia and Latvia beyond traditional touristic routes. The programmes and sites in this manual are based around small-scale accommodation, open farms, local producers, living traditions and sincere people. The people here have a close relationship with their natural surroundings and annual cycle. Each season has its own specific activities like mushrooming, berry picking, collecting herbs, ice-fishing and different agricultural jobs as well as traditional and seasonal celebrations. The countries are a haven for the tourist who loves nature, respects traditions and would like to experience them and their cultures more deeply. Behind this manual there is a team of professional countryside tourism organisations and tour operators. For many years we have carried regular inspections of our accommodation and sites, have closely cooperated with national parks and nature experts, researched and developed new routes... more |
Long distance hiking trail "The Forest Trail" info-pageThe Forest Trail is a long-distance hiking route from Rīga, Latvia, to Tallinn, Estonia, passing through the most afforested territories in both countries. The route is split up into approximately 50 one-day routes, each of them around 20 kilometres long. Some of the routes are more difficult than others, so please choose the ones that are most appropriate for you. The Forest Trail is planned as part of the E11 European long-distance hiking path. more less |
Kā izplatīt vietējo pārtiku Bizness-Biznesam (B2B) tīklā - rokasgrāmata jaunajiem uzņēmumiem un pārtikas produktu izplatīšanas tīkliemŠis izdevums ir kā rokasgrāmata B2B izplatīšanas modeļa attīstības veicināšanai. Tā mērķis ir iedvesmot Jūs veidot vietējo pārtikas izplatīšanas tīklu vai uzņēmumu, veicināt produktu mārketingu un sniegt idejas sākuma posmam. Dažādus risinājumus B2B modeļa ieviešanā un attīstībā piedāvā desmit projekta dalībvalstu – Dānija, Igaunija, Krievija, Latvija, Lietuva, Norvēģija, Polija, Somija, Vācijas un Zviedrija – labākā pieredze. Rokasgrāmatas mērķa grupa ir vietējie pārtikas ražotāji un piegādātāji, kā arī vietējās pārtikas tirdzniecības tīkli. Projekta uzdevums ir radīt un veicināt jaunu tirdzniecības kanālu izveidošanu un attīstību uzņēmumiem bizness biznesam vidē (B2B), izmantojot maza mēroga vietējos pārtikas tīklus, attīstot sadarbību un palielinot produktu vērtību pēc iespējas īsākā piegādes ķēdē. Tā mērķis ir arī iedvesmot esošos vietējos pārtikas ražotājus un izplatītājus, kas jau pārdod savus produktus patērētājam (B2C), attīstīt B2B tirdzniecības modeli... more |
Kā vietējo kultūras mantojumu izmantot tūrismā?Rokasgrāmatā tiek sniegti prakstiski ieteikumi, kā izmantot vietējā kultūras mantojuma potenciālu, kādas sadarbības formas veidot, lai to pārvērstu tūrisma produktā. Tiek apskatītas mārketinga iespējas, ņemot piemērus no četriem spilgtiem etnisko kultūru reģioniem – Suitu novads un Līvu krasts Latvijā, Setu zeme un Kihnu Igaunijā. Šī rokasgrāmata tapusi Igaunijas–Latvijas programmas no Eiropas Reģionālā attīstības fonda projekta “Mazo etnisko kultūrtelpu attīstība un popularizēšana kā tūrisma galamērķis “UNESCO – tūrisms”” ietvaros. ...more |
Programmes for tourists: UNESCO INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF HUMANITY Ethnographic Regions of ESTONIA - Setomaa, Kihnu Island LATVIA - Suiti Land, Livonian CoastThe programmes allow visitors to experience four unique and different ethnographic regions where authentic traditions are still part of peoples’ everyday life. They are: Setomaa region (Estonia), Kihnu island (Estonia), Suiti cultural space (Latvia) and the Livonian coast (Latvia) presenting UNESCO heritage in the following ways: