
Publications of "Lauku ceļotājs"

Our publications in English: accommodation catalogue „Country Holidays”, maps and travel guides for touring Latvia by car, bike, boating or hiking offer practical information and are most useful to plan and experience your holidays in Latvia. We have inspected all sites and tested all routes which are described. See below the details about contents of each of our publications.

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Publication Description

Livonia Regional Leaflets

Regional leaflets have been published to make it easier and more enjoyable for tourists to travel through the regions of Latvia and find out about the culinary traditions and places to visit in the area. Five leaflets describes culinary heritage and history of each region and includes maps with the routes around 36 objects of Livonian Culinary Route and other attractions.

Routes can be done in any possible way - by car, bike or hiking. Head to Kurzeme on the Freedom and Jacob roads to try delicious Sklandrausi pies or learn how to cook traditional Kurzeme dishes with Suiti wives. In Vidzeme you will be offered freshly baked rye bread. There you can follow the path of grain along the Baltic and Light roads. But the Liv road will take you through almost the entire coast of Latvia, tempting the with smell of freshly prepared fish.


Katrai tautai savs tērps (Kihnu, setu, suitu un lībiešu tautastērps)

Grāmatā ir sniegts īss pārskats par četru etnisko grupu – setu, kihniešu, suitu un lībiešu – tautastērpiem. Setiem, kihniešiem un suitiem, salīdzinot ar kaimiņiem, savu tautas tērpu valkāšanas un darināšanas tradīcija ir ļoti labi saglabājusies un joprojām tiek turēta vērtē. Ievērības cienīgi ir arī tas, ka visu četru kultūrvēsturisko novadu tradicionālie tērpi stipri atšķiras no kaimiņu tautastērpiem. Par iemeslu uzskatāma būtiski citāda kultūra vai vēsturiskais fons.


Baltic Coastal Hiking Tour Manual

The brochure includes 15 hiking tours for one and multiple days (up to 16 days) in Latvia and Estonia, which is part of the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route long distance path (in Latvia - Jūrtaka, in Estonian - ranniku matkarada) (e9) - the most interesting, most scenic coastal areas of both countries, which are renowned for their natural and cultural objects. Several tours include national parks, nature parks, and biosphere reserves, as well as UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Every tour includes schematic tour map, provides information about the mileage to be covered within a day, level of diffi culty, most outstanding sightseeing objects, as well as practical information about the road surface, getting to the starting point and returning from the fi nish back to the city.


UNESCO Heritage Sites and Cultural Spaces

Cultural spaces are special places where traditions passed down from generation to generation are concentrated in an environment that relates to the origins of such traditions. In Latvia and Estonia, multiple cultural spaces can be found which are promoted by UNESCO granting international recognition.

Would it be sklandrausis, a traditional pie baked with love alongside Suiti women, or a moment of admiration observing Līvi men carrying out the catch of the day in the wind- swept shores of the Livonian landscape, the humbleness and wisdom sounded out in the polyphonic singing of Seto people, or the inspiration found in the cheerful colours of crafts developed by Kihnu island people; every single one of these experiences is an expression of tradition concentrated in time and space, which we can receive in an extraordinary tourism product that helps us travel meaningfully and to become more aware, skilful and inspired.


Heritage based agritourism product development in Latvia - Lithuania AGRIHERITAGE, LLI65 ACTIVITIES, RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS

The publication contains information on the project activities and implemented in the period from 20.03.2017 to 31.03.2019. The agrotourism of historical heritage and the products developed during the project are explained - 10 routes, tourism expenses and a database of agritourism farms, examples of open farms in Latvia and Lithuania are also provided. The marketing activities performed, trainings for rural tourism entrepreneurs and informative work with the press are also described.


Ceļvedis pa Setu zemi Igaunijā

Setomā (Setomaa) ceļvedis sniegs nelielu ieskatu setu zemes dabā un kultūrā, kā arī pastāstīs par Setomā tūrisma maršrutiem. Tā kā vēsturiskā Setomā sadalīta starp divām valstīm – Igauniju un Krieviju, tad nedaudz tiks apskatītas arī Krievijas teritorijā esošās nozīmīgās vietas: Pečoriem un Izborskai. Grāmata apskata arī svarīgākos ikgadējos notikumus, kā arī informē par ēdināšanas un nakšņošanas vietām. Ceļveža beigās atrodami daži praktiski padomi un neliela setu - latviešu vārdnīca.


Ceļvedis pa Kihnu salu Igaunijā

Straujajā mūsdienu ritmā Kihnu sala ir saglabājusi savu raksturīgo seju, tādējādi joprojām tā ir ļoti īpaša vieta. Pateicoties salas iedzīvotāju drosmei, prasmēm un vēlmei, šī mazā salas tauta ir saglabājusi savu identitāti un tradicionālo dzīvesstilu. Ne tikai pagātnē Kihnu sala atšķīrās no pārējās pasaules – tas tā ir joprojām. Grāmatā tiek apskatīti svarīgākie ikgadējie notikumi - festivāli, stāstīts par ēdienu, mūzikas, rokdarbu deju u. c. tradīcijām. Ceļvedī atradīsiet informāciju par Kihnu salas dabas bagātībām. Ceļveža beigās atrodami daži praktiski padomi un neliela kihniešu - latviešu vārdnīca.


Ceļvedis pa Suitu novadu

"Ceļvedis pa Suitu novadu” domāts ceļotājiem, kuriem interesē bagātīgā suitu kultūra un tradīcijas, kuras joprojām ir dzīvas un ikvienam iepazīstamas. Ceļvedī ir īsi aprakstīti galvenie ar Suitu novadu saistītie vēsturiskie notikumi, interesanti fakti un 23 tūrisma objekti, kur var iepazīt suitu mantojumu, minēti svarīgākie ikgadējie notikumi, kā arī pievienota mazā suitu vārdnīca. Kaut arī suiti paši par sevi saka, ka tiem ir tieša valoda un asa mēle, Suitu novadā vienmēr ir gaidīts atbildīgs ceļotājs, kam interesē suitu pagātne, tagadne un arī nākotne! uz tikšanos Suitu novadā!


Šī publikācija ir finansēta Igaunijas - Latvijas Programmas no Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda projekta “Mazo etnisko kultūrtelpu attīstība un popularizēšana kā tūrisma galamērķis” ietvaros. 


Ceļvedis pa Lībiešu krastu

„Ceļvedis pa Lībiešu krastu” tapis ciešā sadarbībā ar lībiešiem un tas domāts ceļotājiem, kuriem interesē lībiešu kultūra un tradīcijas. Ceļvedī uzskaitīti galvenie ar Lībiešu krastu saistītie vēsturiskie notikumi, interesanti fakti, aprakstītas 23 vietas, kur var iepazīt lībiešu mantojumu, minēti svarīgākie ikgadējie notikumi, kā arī pievienota maza latviešu - lībiešu vārdnīca. Ziemeļkurzemes piekrastē allaž ir gaidīts atbildīgs ceļotājs, kam interesē lībiešu pagātne, šodiena un arī nākotne! Uz tikšanos Lībiešu krastā!


Šī publikācija ir finansēta Igaunijas - Latvijas Programmas no Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda projekta “Mazo etnisko kultūrtelpu attīstība un popularizēšana kā tūrisma galamērķis” ietvaros. 


Baltic Coastal Hiking Guide

In the guide, the ~1200 km of the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route are divided into 8 sections and each of them is marked by a different colour on the map: The Great Sea (The West coast of Latvia on the Baltic Sea), the Little Sea (The West coast of the Gulf of Riga), Jūrmala and Riga (The most popular resort city and the capital of Latvia), the Vidzeme coast (The East coast of the Gulf of Riga), Pärnu town and fishing villages (The littoral of Pärnu Bay), Matsalu National Park and the West Estonian islands (Matsalu Bay, Saaremaa, Muhu, Hiiumaa, Vormsi islands), Haapsalu and villages of Coastal Swedes (Haapsalu Bay and the Noarootsi Peninsula, Osmussaar island) and Cliffs and waterfalls in the Northwest of Estonia (The littoral of the Gulf of Finland).

The ~1200 km of the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route are split up into 60 separate parts of one day walks (~20-25 km). Each day’s walk has a detailed description. An additional three spreads of the guide are dedicated to the islands of Estonia where travellers can continue their hike or, quite the contrary, relax by enjoying the cultural, historic, gastronomic or wellness offers on the islands.


Historical and Modern Gardens

This map features 109 gardens that are open to visitors. This symbol denotes 53 historical gardens which emphasise their values , as well as botanic gardens and collections of plants where you will learn about gardening traditions and history and see traditional types of fruits, vegetables, herbs, decorative trees, bushes and flowers in Latvia (Latgale, Kurzeme, Zemgale) and Lithuania (Aukštaitija, Žemaitija). Specialised gardens will offer information about various types of products and their use, as well as the achievements of local breeders. The historical gardens reflect the influence of various eras and cultures, and they are often alongside estates, museums or farms and are linked to their history.


Livonian Culinary Route

This map includes 250 stops of the Livonian Culinary Route in Latvia and Estonia - taverns, restaurants, lodging houses and producing farms, allowing you to find out the impact of Livonian times on the contemporary cuisine of today. Although the borders of Livonia were erased from the global map long ago, our traditional cuisine is still basically made up of the same foods that our ancestors ate. This is history, right here on the table!

Every stop will welcome you with a brief description, working hours, contact information, geographical coordinates, location on the map, and also the speciality - special foods or manufactured produce, as well as events and workshops.

The map of Latvia and Estonia with a scale 1: 1 000 000 allows you to find all the places described here. The map includes an informative brochure "Flavours of Livonia. Cuisine.". Here you will find a selection of national cuisine items with a preparation history coinciding with the Livonian historical period.


Flavours of Livonia - Dishes

Here you will find a selection of traditional food with a preparation history coinciding with the Livonian historical period. Cheese, cottage cheese with hemp, milk with berries. Kama flour. Peas and beans. Sorrel and mushrooms. Barley porridge and rye bread. Sauerkraut and salted cucumbers. Sal­ted sprats and herring. Smoked fish. Martin’s day rooster. Meat and lam- prey that’s cooked on open fire.

The information brochure Taste of Livonia. Dishes is a supplement to the map Culinary Route "Taste of Livonia". The selection of courses described here comprises national dishes which, in terms of their cooking history, correspond to the historical period of Livonia


Baltic Coastal Hiking tourist brochure

The brochure introduces the Baltic Coastal Hiking route along the Baltic Sea coast between Riga and Tallinn. The 1200km route is part of the European long distance hiking route E9. Any part of the itinerary can be chosen for a hike of 60 days, a daily hike around 20 km. The whole route is divided into 8 sections revealing the variety of the seacoast and allowing hikers to choose their preferences. The brochure describes the highlights in each section, offers practical tourist information and includes a hiking route map.


Heritage Agritourism Product Manual

This manual presents themed heritage agritourism farm visits and routes for groups and individual travellers in Latvia and Lithuania. The topic introduces the tradition of agricultural and its continuation in modern farming in both countries. Tour visits demonstrate, in an attractive way, the country living of today – innovative small farms and craft businesses that are based on traditional occupations and that have successfully adapted to modern needs by producing competitive products and finding their market niche. Some of the large industrial farms have also developed visitor programmes. They demonstrate today’s farming technologies and products and show the history of the development of their farms. Respecting their heritage, some farms expose collections of working tools, farm machinery, vintage cars and other attractive exhibits. The farms also offer specialised study visits for farming professionals.