Berries, fruit, vegetables and grains

Strawberries, large cranberries, blackberries, watermelons, grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbages, potatoes, hemp and other seeds.

  • During the season, visitors can pick their own fruits and berries from fields, hothouses or orchards.
  • Owners offer information about various types of produce and how it is grown, offering tastings and purchase of various delicious products from the farm.
  • Some farms grow watermelons, other melons and grapes that can be purchased.
Overview Details

The Dzintarlaci farm

Beginning in late August, you can pick and taste your own sea buckthorn berries and purchase healthy juices made from them. Between late April and early June, you can tour a collection of tulips (more than 200 different types) and purchase their bulbs.

Distance from countries capital city80 Active season months4-10 Optional meals Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance
Picnick area Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian


The farm produces hemp from which it produces hemp butter, roughly ground seeds, as well as hemp oil. The granary, which is 101 years old, features antique instruments once used to process hemp fibres. Visitors can taste and purchase delicious products and take an exciting tour which speaks to the history of hemp farming.

Latvian cuisine: Rough and fine hemp spread, hemp sandwiches, pressed and toasted hemp crumbs, hemp oil.


Distance from countries capital city150 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Optional meals This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Pre-order required
Rooms for seminars Facilities  appropriate for childrenSouvenire shop Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian

Mr. Plume cider production

Māris and Dace Plūme have been making cider in Jumprava since 2010, after gaining experience in the best cideries of France and Austria. The Mr. Plūme ciders have been awarded several gold medals at the SISGA International Cider Awards in Spain.

Distance from countries capital city74 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers

Musu Avenes

“We educate, create feelings and inspire people.”  Those are the key concepts of the “Mūsu avenes” raspberry farm.

The farm specialises in summer and autumn raspberries, but it also grows quince, honeysuckle, mulberry, rhubarb and various seasonal vegetables.

Owners of the farm began to offer informative and interactive tours in 2023.  Learn how the farm is run, what it bases its work on, and how it ensures bio-economics and a circulation economy.  You’ll also learn details about how to grow and pick raspberries.  A special mood is created by a cupola tent at the farm which offers visitors a chance to enjoy and unrivalled surrounding landscape.

You can rent the cupola for a special and unusual site for celebrations or a photo session.  The cupola on the raspberry farm will be an excellent choice.


ZELT Smiltserksku darzs

In 2015 owners of ''Zeltlejas'' started to develop the first sea buckthorn plantations, but in 2018 the area where the sea buckthorn is grown for berry extraction was 24 hectares. Only one breed of sea buckthorn trees with high oil and carotenoid content is grown in the garden. But strawberries are grown in the greenhouses, that's why they are ripen already in the spring.

Various events on different topics like healthy eating, cooking, gardening are also organized.


AmberFarm (Dzintarferma)

Amberfarm jeb Dzintarferma ir ģimenes uzņēmums, kura pamatnodarbošanās ir smiltsērkšķu audzēšana 15 ha platībā, kā arī ogu pārstrāde, tirdzniecība un vairumtirdzniecība. Uzņēmumā audzē ogas un izstrādā tādus produktus kā smiltsērkšķu sula, sīrups, sukādes, marmelāde, ievārījums, želejkonfektes, karameles, eļļa, zefīrs, ko viesiem ir arī iespēja nodegustēt un iegādāties. Saimniecībā tiek uzņemti viesi ekskursijās un meistarklasēs, kurās iepazīstina ar smiltsērkšķu plantācijām un pārstrādes cehu. Ir izveidotas 3 dažādas eksursijas programmas ar dažādām iespējām iepazīt smiltsērkšķi kā unikālu ogu un smiltsērkšķu produkciju.

Distance from countries capital city143

Deseles darzi

The “Dēsele Gardens” venue offers seasonal tours, as well as tastings and a chance to buy homegrown strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, plums, pears, apples, blackberries, black currants, grapes and honeysuckle.  Visit the gardens, and refresh yourself with berry smoothies and fruit desserts that are packed with vitamins.


The Osenieki biological farm

This biological farm (Bio 05-049-2008) grows berries such as strawberries and summer and autumn raspberries, as well as vegetables and grains.  Visitors can pick and eat berries and look at the garden.  The owners also breed cattle and have a store at which biological vegetables and fruits from the farm itself and from others can be bought.  During the hay season during the summer visitors can spend the night in bales of hay.


Distance from countries capital city90 Active season months4-10 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups Pre-order required Accommodation available Accepts individual travellers
Place for tents


The Baltās anemones centre is in a lovely place on the right bank of the Lielupe River near Mežotne.  The lowlands feature a guesthouse with a lovely look at cliffs on the left bank of the river and dolomite cliffs on the right bank.  Along the river are fields of vegetables, including pumpkins, cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, beets, potatoes and herbs, along with a fruit and berry garden.  The lady of the house will offer products for sale, as well as an informative tour of the fields.

Distance from countries capital city76 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Optional meals
Rooms for seminars Picnick areaSouvenire shop Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian

The Berzini (Labirinti) farm

The farm grows grains and raps, and organises informational seminars and tours for children and adults. There is a collection of antique tools and dairy processing equipment which can be put to use. An attraction park is available to one and all.


For children and teenagers Agriculture Agri Heritage Distance from countries capital city50 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Accommodation available Must register in advance

Very Berry

This farm was one of the first to grow large-berry cranberries and blackberries in Latvia (since 1997). The swamp used to be used for peat moss extraction, but today it is home to cranberry, blackberry, raspberry and strawberry fields. You can pick, taste and purchase berries and take a tour. We also recommend a visit to the Very Berry factory (approximately 3 km away in Dārzciems), where juices, syrups and beverages are manufactured.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city160 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Optional meals Accepts tourist groups
Rooms for seminars Souvenire shop Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak GermanHosts speak Russian

Piesta Kuusikaru

Piesta Kuusikaru farm is located in Vändra forest, Pärnumaa. We invite everyone who would like to know how this family decided to create their own farm in the countryside and started to make wonderfully delicious products from apples. At the farm you can taste all the products and buy all your favourites to take away. A great place to relax with your family.


Zemnieku saimnieciba "Dzirnas"

Zemnieku saimniecība "Dzirnas" nodarbojas ar bioloģisko putnkopību, audzē zemenes un dārzeņus. Saimniecība apsaimnieko 11 ha zemes. Tajā iegūtās olas ar zīmolu "Vistu olas", sīpoli un ķiploki tiek pārdoti veikalos "Klēts" Rimi hypermārketos Rīgā. Savukārt zemenes pārdod dzimtajā Alsungā, kā arī pēc pieprasījuma piegādā Rīgā. Iespējams arī apmeklēt un apskatīt saimniecību, taču nepieciešmaa iepriekšēja pieteikšanās.

Distance from countries capital city175 Must register in advance

Dabas Gardumi

Sprižu ģimenes bioloģiskā saimniecība "Dabas Gardumi" atrodas Mārupes novadā un tā apsaimnieko ogulājus 23 ha platībā. Audzē avenes, upenes, jāņogas, ērkšķogas, sausseržus, piparmētras, ābolus, plūmes u.c.

Visas ogas svaigā veidā tiek piedāvātas sezonas laikā, kā arī tiek pārstrādātas, no kurām ražo dažādus augļu - ogu gardumus: augļu-ogu bumbiņas, salmiņus, sulas, marmelādes un tējas.

Saražotā produkcija ir dabiska, garšīga, veselīga, šķiedrvielām un vitamīniem bagāta, jo pārstrādes procesā augļiem, ogām un garšaugiem tiek saglabāts pēc iespējas lielāks tā dabiskais sastāvs. Pārsvarā gardumi top no pašu izaudzētiem un savāktiem dabas izejmateriāliem (augļi, ogas, garšaugi), ražotajiem produktiem netiek pievienots cukurs, līdz ar to augļu-ogu gardumi ir lieliska gan ikdienas, gan svētku uzkoda kā maziem, tā arī lieliem baudītājiem.        

Distance from countries capital city21 Active season months1-12 Electric vehicle charging available1items

Edmunda Bumana Vina darzs

The visitors are offered the excursion around the wine garden and the story about different sorts of grapes and the secrets of wine-making. During the excursion the vistiors can learn about the traditions of growing grapes in Latvia, to see and taste the newest tendencies of grape selectioning,as well as receive advice on growing and tending grapes. It is also possible to try home-made wines and buy grapes saplings.

Distance from countries capital city48 Active season months5-10 No pets allowed Dry toilet (if there is only the dry toilet) This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance
Rooms for seminars Nearest train stationNearest bus stop Hosts speak GermanHosts speak Russian

Rekovas dzirnavas

Rekovas dzirnavas ir unikāla vieta pašā austrumu pierobežā. “Pirmajā stāvā bija miltu malšana un otrajā stāvā apstrādāja vilnu. Dzirnavas pastāvēja līdz 1980.gadam. Vēlāk ēka nevienam nepiederēja, lietus ietekmē iebruka jumts un faktiski viss bija sadrupis. 2016.gadā zemnieku saimniecības “Kotiņi” saimniekam Aldim Ločmelim radās iespēja iegādāt ēku un saliekot galvas kopā, radās ideja, ka ēkā varētu būt vietējās produkcijas veikaliņš.”

Majestātiskā trīsstāvu pamatīgu laukakmeņu mūra ēka, kas atrodas pašā Balvi-Viļaka ceļa malā, ir sākusi dzīvot jaunu dzīvi, kur ikvienam ir iespēja nobaudīt vietējo Latgales produktu garšu dažādā izpildījumā.

Dzirnavu saimniece  - viena no īstajām latvju saimniecēm Vija Kuļša uzņem tūristu grupas, kurām piedāvā nobaudīt vietējo Latgales produktu garšu dažādā izpildījumā. Ēdienkarte sastāv no piedāvājuma vegāniem, veģetāriešiem un klasiskās ēdienkartes. Viena no galvenajām ēdienu sastāvdaļām ir zs “Kotiņi’’ ražotā produkcija. Ir iespēja pieteikt un darboties arī Meistarklasēs.

Tiek piedāvāvāts ēdiens no linsēklām, linu eļļa, dažādi salāti, ko var gatavot ar linu eļļu. Linsēklas izmanto pašu ceptā maizītē, sāļajā baltmaizē ar linsēklām. Linsēklas Rekovas dzirnavu ēdienkartē ir tikai viena no izejvielām, bet tieši tās ir centrālais varonis jaunajā Ziemeļlatgales kultūrvēsturiskā tūrisma piedāvājumā “Linu ceļš Ziemeļlatgalē”.

Distance from countries capital city246 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance
Rooms for seminars


The Jumari farm is located in Dundaga parish, near Valpene. The 7th generation of the owners’ family run the farm.  The farm produces fruit, berries and vegetables. Beautiful flowers and shrubs surround the house. Visitors can tour the farm, learn about growing blackberries and biological farming methods, and enjoy herbal teas.  The lady of the house offers small pillows stuffed with grasses, as well as woven bookmarks. She also bakes sklandrauši, the traditional carrot buns.  Jumari is one of the destinations along Dundaga Administrative District bicycling routes.

Heritage gardens Distance from countries capital city140 Active season months5-10 Internet access Must register in advance Optional meals Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Dry toilet (if there is only the dry toilet)
Farm animalsNo smoking SwimmingBicyclesFacilities  appropriate for childrenBerry and mushroom pickingBicycle trailSouvenire shop Nearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest station

Tomo Skaizgirio saimnieciba

Saimniecība audzē dažādus dārzeņus, lapu salātus, gurķus, dilles, ķiplokus, brokoļus, ziedkāpostus, sīpolus, ķirbjus, bietes utml. Vasarā un rudenī pieejamas avenes. Pārdošanā svaigi dārzeņi un augļi.

Distance from countries capital city150

The Giedrikai farm

This progressive biological farm grows some 50 types of biological vegetables and greens.  The farmers own 10 ha of land where they grow various vegetables outdoors and in greenhouses in the Biržu region. 

Heritage gardens Active season months5-9

Zemnieku saimnieciba "Cukurini"

Laidze Parish Farm "Cukuriņi" is engaged in sea buckthorn cultivation. The farm covers about 10,000 sea buckthorns on an area of 6 hectares. The fields are treated with a computerized irrigation system. The owners of the grown berries both sell and process it themselves, obtaining sea buckthorn juice, oil and frozen berries.

Agriculture Accepts tourist groups


The farm "Kronīši" is located in Viļķenes Parish, Limbažu County. The farm grows organic vegetables that are processed into various home preserves. Teas are produced from plants collected from organic meadows, jams, preserves, syrups and juices are also on offer. Fruits and berries are collected from the garden itself, as well as from local farmers and the nearby Rūstuži and Blome marshes.

The farm welcomes tourists and exchange groups with prior application. For family events, incl. a teahouse is available for children's parties, creative workshops and other activities. Offers tours with Soviet-era cars and retro cars.

Distance from countries capital city100 Active season months1-12


Mežvidi (SIA Latgale Vegetable Logistics) began operations in 2007 and sells tasty and healthy red tomatoes.  The owners plan to grow and deliver tomatoes during the winter, when people have the greatest need for healthy and vitamin-rich vegetables.  The farm helps to facilitate co-operation among people who farm vegetables, and it informs the public about how tomatoes are grown.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city268 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance
Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian

Mindaugo Slapkausko saimnieciba

Ogu un augļu dārzs, dažādu ievārījumu, sulu, sīrupu ražošana un tirdzniecība.




This farm is in a lovely location on the western side of the Talsi hillocks, offering a look at Talsi and its area.  This is an open farm with grows and processes apples (dried apples, apple chips, apple juice).  Visitors are offered an informative tour, with a chance to taste and purchase the products.  The farm is in a protected natural area -- the Talsi Hillocks Nature Park.  There is an area for tenting during the summer.  The owners will teach you to produce a crown from fruit tree branches. The gardens of the farm stretch across the hillocks, and there are several types of local apple trees that are nurtured by the lady of the house.  An informative stand alongside the farm features information about the most important values of the nature park.

Active leisure Heritage gardens Fishing Distance from countries capital city108 Active season months7-10 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups Optional meals Accepts individual travellers
Steam bathBBQPlace for tentsRooms for seminars FishingSwimmingSports groundPicnick areaSouvenire shop Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian


Truly delicious apple juice. Organic farm of apple and sea buckthorn. Visitors can view farms, gardens, production facilities and equipment, as well as taste and buy juices.


The new Gundegas research farm

Large cranberries were first grown in the Laugas Swamp in Latvia in 1992. Today there are six types of cranberries that were originated in Latvia. Among them is a hybrid between large American cranberries and Latvian cowberries, and it is known as the noble cranberry. You can attend lectures, receive consultations, tour the swamp, and purchase cranberries, cranberry products, as well as purchase turf that is needed to grow your own cranberries.

Distance from countries capital city55 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups Optional meals
Rooms for seminars Picnick areaSouvenire shop Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian

The Dulbeni farm

The owners grow shitake mushrooms and offer tours with information about how mushrooms are grown and what their nutritional properties are. Mushrooms can be bought, and consultations are available. The owners also offer other types of biological farm produce, as well as honey.

Distance from countries capital city125 Active season months5-10 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance
Nearest bus stop2kmNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian

The Mazvasaraudzi farm

The farm produces vegetables, medicinal plants and honey. You can look at Charolais cattle and buy products. The lady of the house will talk about her experience in relation to her farm and biological farms that are in the neighbourhood.

Distance from countries capital city178 Active season months1-12 Accommodation available Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups
Nearest bus stop500mNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian


The Sutru Berry Garden is in the Sutru Parish in the Līvāni Administrative District.  It grows blackberries in tunnels, which means that the berries ripen far more quickly than elsewhere in Latvia.  You can purchase berries on site.

Distance from countries capital city200 Active season months5-8 Accepts individual travellers Optional meals Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance
Rooms for seminars Souvenire shop Hosts speak EnglishHosts speak Russian

The Liepkalni-Vezi farm

The farm grows apples, pears and medicinal plants such as peppermint, marigold, etc. The owners also collect wild medicinal plants. An interesting tour is available, and you can purchase products at the farm or at the Latvian Eco Product Store at Barona Street 45-47 in Rīga.

Skiing Walking Distance from countries capital city60 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups No pets allowed Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers
Place for tentsTrailer parking available Fishing Nearest bus stopNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak Russian

Zemnieku saimnieciba "Bruveri-Grivas"

A farm engaged in the cultivation and processing of large cranberries. Offers berries, cranberry juice, syrup. On Fridays at Dundaga market from From 7:00 to 11:00 it is also possible to buy products.

Must register in advance

The Jaunbomji farm

The owner of the farm grows petunias, geraniums, balsams, asters, snapdragons and other plants, also designing beautiful pots of flowers. She organises seminars on biological farming. Visitors can purchase plants, pick black currants from a bush, and pick tomatoes from a vegetable bed. Tastings are available, and there are rabbits on display, as well.

Distance from countries capital city150 Active season months5-9 No pets allowed Accommodation available Optional meals Internet access Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups
BBQPlace for tentsRooms for seminarsNo smoking FishingFishing - winterFacilities  appropriate for childrenTour guide servicesPicnick area Nearest bus stop400mNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak EnglishOther languages


The farm breeds cattle and grows vegetables. You can receive consultations and purchase seeds and vegetables.

Distance from countries capital city90 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups

Vinkalni, grower of rapeseed and flax

In mid-summer, the farm features the beautiful blooms of rapeseed and flax. A special facility for pressing rapeseed and flax seed oil is on site. You can watch the oil pressing process and purchase some of the resulting oil.
Active season months1-12

The Niedras family farm

The farm produces tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, grey peas, herbs, pumpkins and cabbages, and it also has a group of chickens which spend their time outdoors. The farm’s products are available for purchase.

Distance from countries capital city135 Active season months6-8 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers
Nearest train stationNearest bus stopNearest restaurantNearest town

The Araji watermelon farm

The owners began to grow watermelons in 1997, using types that are appropriate for the climate in Latvia. Of particular interest are watermelons which have a yellow interior. The largest watermelon that the farm produced weighed 11 kg. During the season, you can purchase watermelons and hear advice from the owners.

Distance from countries capital city220 Active season months6-9 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers

Absoluts ed

Organically certified farm. Produces greens, vegetables, micro-greens, vegetables and berry powder (gauze, balanda, dandelion, nettle, driven). Grown all year round. Offers product delivery in Riga, Valmiera, Cesis and Sigulda.

Distance from countries capital city62 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance


The farmwoman grows vegetables and fruits to produce tasty preserves, syrups, jams, chutneys and dried fruit. You can taste and purchase the products, go on a tour of an escargot farm, and taste escargots cooked in the Burgundy style. Children’s camps can be organised.

Distance from countries capital city95 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers
Hosts speak RussianOther languages

The Ziles farm

The farm has vast meadows along the banks of the Aiviekste River, with some 400 head of blackhead sheep – the largest herd of its type in Latvia. You can tour the far and purchase pedigree sheep, meat, wool, pelts and vegetables.

Distance from countries capital city210 Active season months5-10 Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups

Satori Alfa, smiltserksku audzesana

On the farmstead it is possible to look at sea-buckthorn plants, in August and September it is possible to take part in harvesting sea buck-thorns. The visitors will be told about sea- buckthorn, its growing and harvesting, its medical qualities and products. It is possible to see the production of sea-buckthorn products and try out the products themselves

Distance from countries capital city75 Active season months1-12

The Zilani family farm

The farm produces tomatoes, cucumbers, red peppers, strawberries, apples, plums and cherries. The fruits and vegetables are available for purchase.

Distance from countries capital city135 Active season months6-10 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups No pets allowed Dry toilet (if there is only the dry toilet)
Place for tents FishingSwimmingBoatsFishing - winterPicnick areaNature watching Nearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest station

Krummellenu ogu audzetava ''Arosa-R''

The LLC Arosa-R is a family enterprise which specializes in growing large-fruited bilberry-bushes and their saplings, as well as selling those.

Distance from countries capital city60 Active season months1-12

Zemnieku saimnieciba "Riveni"

The farmstead Riveni specializes in fruitgrowing and the products of reprocessing those – dried apples, apple juice.

Distance from countries capital city115 Active season months1-12


Black currants are grown on 3 ha of land at Bānīši, and for several years the owner has used the method that is so popular abroad -- allowing people to visit the farm to pick all of the berries that they need.

Distance from countries capital city117 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups
Steam bath

The Vecpapani farm

The farm grows fruit trees and raspberries, and it makes homemade wines from various fruits and berries, including raspberries, black currants and apples. You can purchase products, and groups of up to 25 people can attend wine tastings in a very fine hall.

Distance from countries capital city150 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance Accommodation available Accepts tourist groups
Steam bath FishingNature trail Nearest bus stop0.5kmNeighbour housesNearest shopNearest restaurantNearest townDistance to hosts house Hosts speak Russian

Kadarbiku seta

Kadarbiku estate is located in Harju, in the municipality Saue, in the village Tula (Tuula). Agriculture started to work here in 1989, while the family company Kadarbiku Köögivili OÜ was established in 2004. Kadarbik farms specializes in growing and processing vegetables. The farm uses 500 hectares of land, which grows carrots, cabbage, beets and various summer crops. They also make juices and smoothies.

Distance from countries capital city30 Active season months1-12 Pre-order required


This farm produces tomatoes, apples, pears, raspberries, strawberries, etc.  Visit the farm in the spring to see blooming pear and apple orchards and fields of raspberries.  During the autumn you can help to harvest fruits with special "kangaroo pouches" and wheelbarrows.

Distance from countries capital city81 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers
Rooms for seminars Nearest restaurant

Z/s "Meznoras"

Zemnieku saimniecība "Mežnoras" Raunā izveidota 1993.gadā. Saimnieki Aivars, Ārija un Līga Urbasti šobrīd audzē 1,6 ha vasaras un rudens avenes, arī nelielās platībās zemenes uz lauka un segtās platībās, siltumnīcā. Zemenes no "Mežnorām" parasti pieejamas laikā no maija vidus līdz oktobra vidum. "Mežnorās " audzē vasaras avenes "Norna", rudens avenes "Babje ļeto", “Polana”, populāro zemeņu šķirni “Polka”. No savā dārzā audzētajām ogām (upenes, jāņogas, ķirši, zemenes u.c.) Aivars gatavo mājas vīnu: "Mežnoru vīns pilnībā sākās Mežnorās. Tas piedzimst nevis mucās, bet sākas mūsu zemeņu vai aveņu laukā, un tās ir daudz dziļākas saknes, kas atstāj pēdas arī garšā”.

Saimniecībā audzētais pieejams uz vietas Raunā, gan arī Straupes Lauku labumu tirdziņā, Straupes Hanzas tirgū, arī sezonā - Cēsu tirgū.

Distance from countries capital city109 Active season months5-10


Piemājas saimniecība nodarbojas ar augļkopību un biškopību!

Active season months1-12

Zemnieku saimnieciba "Mucenieki"

The farmstead grows apples, strawberries, black currants, red currants, etc., berries and fruits; there is a big selection of processed goods: natural juices, nectars and syrups. There are offered apple, strawberry, red currant, gooseberry, sea-buckthorn and chokeberry saplings; consultations are given for making out a commercial garden and taking care of it. Excursions around the commercially grown plants.

Distance from countries capital city135 Active season months1-12

The Poceri co-operative farm

The large farm is to the South of the centre of Lone, producing apples, pears, plums, cherries, strawberries and black currants. It stores apples during the whole winter. You can help to pick the fruit and berries and purchase them for yourself.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city131 Active season months6-8 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance

A vineyard

This is one of the largest vineyards in Latvia, with more than 50 types of grapes.  The owner will take you on a tour and offer consultations about growing grapes, tastings of grapes and an ability to purchase the plants.

Distance from countries capital city75 Active season months5-10 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Dry toilet (if there is only the dry toilet) Must register in advance
Nearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak Russian

Embutes garsaugi

The hosts produce mixtures of dried herbs and vitamin tea in a full cycle - from seeds to a packet of spices. The farm beds and greenhouses grow a wide range of vegetables and herbs - dill, onions, garlic, chives, mint, sage, thyme, coriander, hyssop, tarragon, peppermint, chili, basil. Also used wild plants - nettle, gooseberry, viburnum, dandelion, yarrow, oregano.
Herbs are grown according to the principles of organic farming, dried on a wood stove in a special oven and prepared in small quantities. The products do not contain salt and preservatives, natural acidifiers are used - algae, red currants, rhubarb, viburnum.
You can get acquainted with the products and buy them during field presentations and tastings at Embūte TIC premises or elsewhere by agreement. Specialized programs for children and students, seniors, families, catering professionals, foreign tourists. In the program: narration about the farm, production process, tasks / games for guests and prizes, tasting, opportunity to buy products. Embute herbs can also be purchased at home producer markets in Kurzeme, home producer stores in Grobiņa, Saldus, Brocēni, Liepāja.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city173 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance

EPI farm

Saaremaa Island farm Epi produces fruit and berry chutneys, various jams, grows herbs and teas. Products are made using only local ingredients from the Saaremaa and Muhu islands. You can buy products directly at the farm.


The Eglaji farm

One of the loveliest apple orchards in Latvia (~10 ha, 30 types of apples) is on the sides of impressive hillocks. During clear weather, you can see the Bay of Rīga from atop the hillocks. The farm is particularly beautiful when apple trees are in bloom. Apples are available for tastings and purchase.

Distance from countries capital city70 Active season months5-10 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

Zemnieku saimnieciba "Eiceni"

The biological agronomical farm specializes on growing vegetables and their reprocessing. Grain products – flour, groats, pearl barley. Also available vegetable and flower saplings; flowers.

Distance from countries capital city75 Active season months1-12

The Sturisi farm

The farm has a fabulous apple orchard and also grows potatoes and strawberries. You can buy apples and taste strawberries.

Distance from countries capital city130 Active season months6-10 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers

The Jankalni farm

This beautiful farm near the hillocks of Lake Kālis grows raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and blackberries. During the season, you can pick, taste and buy the berries. Informational tours are also available.

Distance from countries capital city130 Active season months5-10 Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups

The Sidrabi farm

This farm grows hemp and offers information about the history of the plant and its uses in nutrition and saunas.  Hemp butter, ice cream, tea and hemp milk are offered.  Take a tour with degustation.

Beautiful sights Fishing For parties Agri Heritage Distance from countries capital city106 Active season months5-11 Optional meals Accepts tourist groups Accommodation available Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers
Steam bathBBQBirch besomRooms for  festivitiesPlace for tentsNo smoking FishingSwimmingBoatsTable games, etc.Picnick areaNature watching Nearest train station6kmNearest bus stop1kmNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest stationProfessional sauna-consultant

The Purmalas farm

The farm breeds goats and grows vegetables. You can take a tour, help to milk the goats, and taste and country goodies such as cheese, bread and pierogi. You can also help to make cheese.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city180 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups

Zemnieku saimnieciba "Strelnieki"

The farm specializes on growing and reprocessing cranberries and blueberries. They offer tastings of the products and purchasing those in a small local shop, as well as a 2-hour-long excursion around the farm.

Distance from countries capital city20 Active season months1-12

Cucumber festival TAHKURANNA

The owners of Tahku coastal houses organise cucumber marinating and salting workshops with a happy mood. Cucumber festival Tahkuranna takes place every year on 20 August, and there you can buy canned cucumbers, local food and handicrafts, participate in master classes, and also make handicrafts.


The Priedes pedigree rabbit farm

The farm breeds some 400 rabbits and also grows strawberries. Breeding rabbits, rabbit meat, strawberry plants (3-4 different kinds) and berries can be purchases. Lettuce is available in the spring and vegetables are on offer in the fall. You can take a tour of the farm and learn about rabbit breeding.

Distance from countries capital city150 Active season months1-12 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups

Amata blackberries

The farm produces six different kinds of blackberries. You can tour the surrounding fields, learn about how blackberries are grown, and taste and purchase valuable berries. Your children will love the rabbits and goats that are at the farm.

Distance from countries capital city87 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups

Biologiska ogu z/s "Sturi"

An organic farm where it is possible to read and taste strawberries directly from the field during the season. There are also real wild strawberries. Sea buckthorn is also grown, can be read and tasted in September. Small-scale processing (juices, syrups, frozen products, jams) - home producer status.

Active season months6-10 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance

The Gaiki farm

This farm produces raspberries (6 ha), herbs, medicinal plants (more than 100 types), vegetables (red peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, chili peppers, onions, garlic) and bees. The owner produces salads, jams, lecho and chutneys. You can purchase vegetable products, pick your own raspberries and strawberries, taste teas, buy honey, and receive valuable consultations.

Distance from countries capital city60 Active season months5-10 Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers


The LIELKALNI farm planted two hectares of uncommon berries four years ago – golden currants, viburnum, large-fruit hazel trees, sea buckthorn, the black elder, five-flavour berries, the Chinese gooseberry, edible honey-suckle, etc. The farm has been biologically certified since 2008. In 2009 it received certification from the Latvian Food and Veterinary Service for the production of health-boosting syrups, jellies, jams and teas. Tourists can taste the teas, seasonal berries, syrups, jellies and other treats, all of which are also available for sale.
Local lifestyle Distance from countries capital city120 Active season months5-10 Dry toilet (if there is only the dry toilet) Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance
Rooms for seminars Nearest bus stop1kmNearest restaurantNearest town Hosts speak GermanHosts speak RussianHosts can meet at the nearest station

SIA "BestBerry"

Bioloģiskā saimniecība nodarbojas ar Irbeņu ogu audzēšanu un dažādu to produktu ražošanā kā pulverus, sulas, tinktūras, eļļas, sejas maskas un kapsulas. Irbene ir vērtīgs ārstniecības augs, kur izmantojamas ir pilnīgi visas tā daļas – lapas, ogas, sēklas, stumbrs, miza, sakne un ziedi.


Zemenu krastini, strawberry grower

This is a farm where there are some 10 different kinds of strawberries on many hectares of land. Anita Rescenko offers a six-day strawberry cure to improve your health. Pick and taste strawberries, purchase them fresh and clean. There are strawberry masks, dishes prepared with strawberries, clay masks and compresses against joint pains. Visitors can learn flower arranging, boat around the local lake, etc.
Distance from countries capital city245 Active season months1-12

The Meza Lielgalvji farm

The farm is on the banks of the Daugava River and grows various berries, apples and pears. You can taste the fruit and berries in the garden and by products, as well.

Distance from countries capital city120 Active season months6-9 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance Accepts individual travellers

The Smilskalni farm

This farm grows black currants, blackberries, raspberries, rowans, sea-buckthorn and other berries from which the owner produces homemade wine. The cellar of the castle of the former Order of Kuldīga (with room for up to 25 people) offers tastings of three different wines. Larger groups are welcome to the granary of the Padure Estate.

Distance from countries capital city156 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance

The Abullaci farm

The owner of the farm was the first to grow bush blackberries in Latvia in 1996, and today he has whole fields of the berries. He sells berries and plants, offers tours with tastings and consultations, designs gardens, and prepares plans for greenery.

For children and teenagers Distance from countries capital city120 Active season months5-10 Accepts individual travellers Must register in advance Accepts tourist groups

TAMME farm herb garden

The farm has a garden with medicinal plants and herbs, and a collection of vegetables and decorative plants used in cooking. Guided walks can be supplemented with delicious herb teas and herb pies if booked in advance. The farm shop has a vast selection of preserves of berries, vegetables, herbs, herb teas and herb mixes.

Distance from countries capital city138 Active season months5-10 Disable Access

Latvijas zemenes - SIA Lubeco

SIA "Lubeco" audzē zemenes un cidonijas 7 ha platībā Talsu novadā, pie ciematiņa Lubezere, kas atrodas netālu no Valdemārpils. Uzņēmums jau gadu ir mājražotājs. Sezonas laikā zemenes pārdod svaigas, bet rudenī un ziemā pārstrādātas dažādos produktos. Cidonijas tiek pārstrādātas sukādēs, sīrupos un sulā.
Visiem interesentiem sniedz zemeņu audzēšanas tehnikas pakalpojumus, konsultē zemeņu audzēšanā, piedāvā zemeņu stādus, plēves, mēslojumu un laistīšanas iekārtas.
Iepriekš piesakoties, aicina braukt ekskursijā un apskatīt saimniecību, kā arī nodegustēt SIA "Lubeco" gardumus.

Distance from countries capital city120 Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups Must register in advance