Usi - Info

Self-catering cottage
Self-catering cottage Latvia, Kurzeme, Dundagas novads, Kolka


Contact information

Dženeta Marinska
Tel: +371 63276507, 29475692
Kolkas pag., Dundagas nov.
LV-3275, Latvia
Travel directions (by car)
Take a road to Talsi P 128, after the Plienciems turn to the Kolka and take a road P 131. In Kolka after the playing-field there will be a smoll wood and fence You go in the "Usi" yard.
Travel directions (by public transportation)
By bus Rīga - Roja - Mazirbe, till bus stop Kolka

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Photo Name Description

The farm is located in the north-west of Latvia, which was historically inhabited by Livonians and, nowadays, is often called the Livonian coast.  Farm is one of the first homes in Kolka, 1.2 km from Kolkasrags, the furthest northern point of Courland separating the Baltic Sea from the Gulf of Riga.

The owner of the farm demonstrates the way in which the traditional Northern Kurzeme dessert that is a carrot bun and is known as a "sklandrausis" is prepared. Sklandrausis is registered in the EU food quality scheme as a product with traditional speciality guaranteed. Hikers can take a tour to see the industrial history of Kolka, complete with theatrical elements and tasting of Latvia’s best sprats.

Latvian cuisine: Porridge with fried onions and meat, kefir, herbal teas.

Special foods: Carrot buns.