Walking Along the Baltic Sea Coast - Itinerary

Active tour
Active tour Group Latvia

Walking Along the Baltic Sea Coast

Jurkalne - Roja

  • Breakfast.
  • Coach transfer: Jurkalne – Ventspils (~45 km).
  • Sightseeing of Ventspils.
  • Coach transfer: Ventspils - Slitere lighthouse (~ 70 km).
  • Walking in the Slitere National Park on a special hiking trail near the Slitere lighthouse (1,5 km, 0,5 h).
  • Coach transfer:  Slitere lighthouse -Mazirbe (~ 10 km).
  • Walking: Mazirbe – Kosrags – Pitrags - Saunags (~10 km, 3 h).Walk through the Slitere National park through old fishermen villages where lives one of the smallest ethnic group the Livs, decents from ancient Finno-Ugric tribe.
  • Coach transfer: Saunags – Kolka – Roja. Stop at Kolka – visit Kolka horn where the Baltic Sea meets the Riga gulf and the waves are crossing forming a long dune.
  • Stop at Purciems –walking (1 km, 0,5 h) trail to the White Dune.

Overnight at a guest house near Roja town.

Optional: Evening meal in the guest house.

Distance walking 13 km