The Birini Castle - Specializations

Castle, manor house
Castle, manor house Latvia, Vidzeme, Limbažu novads

The Birini Castle


Type Description Quantity Distance
In castle building till 150 persons
Horseback riding
Horseback riding
Horses and pony. Sledge in the winter time, cart.
Local lifestyle
Local lifestyle


  • Arrive at Bīriņi Castle and meet the guide. Tour of the yard and park. Highlights: climbing the estate’s water tower to the viewing platform; seeing the stables containing Latvian pedigree horses; stopping by the Lover’s Oak where, by tradition, wedding couples hang small bells; and swinging in the large Easter swings (1 hour).
  • Lunch at the manor’s restaurant. Traditional cuisine is on ofer including: tasting platters, lamb soup with green buckwheat and layered dark bread cake. Tasting of herbal teas using locally gathered ingredients. Lunch duration approx. 1 hour.
  • Transfer to the cranberry plantation (approx. 5 km/10 min.)
  • Guided tour of the cranberry plantation and Laugas bog lake. Tasting of cranberry products from the plantation’s own production facility. The products are also for sale on site. Duration of visit 1.5 hours.
  •  Return to Bīriņi Castle or depart depending on itinerary.
For parties
For parties
In castle till 200 persons


Logo Rating name Description
Quality (LC)
Cat 4


Logo Certificate name Description
LC member

Belongs to a brand

Logo Brand Description
Silver Suitcase - No speccial accessibility, Very fit

Bīriņu Pils parka, parka apbūves un Staļļa apskate  senioriem 1,50€/pers visu sezonu (bez Pils ēkas apmeklējuma). Pils apskate ir par papildu samaksu 2€/pers.

Senioru kartes īpašniekiem piedāvājam 5% atlaidi viesnīcas pakalpojumiem, rīta baseins, bibliotēka, parka zviļņi un pledu izmantošana iekļauta cenā. Senioriem pēc pieprasījuma tiek piedāvātas 1. vai 2. stāva istabiņas, jo stāvus savieno platas kāpnes ar margām. Čemodānu nešana jāpiesaka iepriekš.

Rye Road - Caterer

The flavour of Latvian rye bread is highlighted in the traditional layered rye bread dessert. Seasonally, around Midsummer, the menu also offers homemade cheese with toasted rye bread and honeycomb.