Rokdarbnieku kopa "Paukers" - Specializations

Craftsmen Latvia

Rokdarbnieku kopa "Paukers"


Type Description
Agri Heritage
Agri Heritage


Logo Certificate name Description
Culture and history
Latvian Heritage

For the promotion of craftsmen skills of Ance

Members of Paukers group under the leadership of Līga Grīnberga are located in landlord’s house of Ance Manor, where they demonstrate – how they knit socks, mittens, shawls, pullovers, how they embroider couch cushions, blankets, table cloths, dye shawls, weave blankets, towels, rugs, bookmarks, crochet toys, plaited baskets and wood products, as well as demonstrate the process of cooking sklandrauši (traditional carrot pie).