The Slitere National Park - Practical information

Active tour
Active tour Independent travel Latvia, Kurzeme

The Slitere National Park

Practical information

Total distance walking 26 km

Recommended season:  May-September
Length: ~60 km.  
Level of difficulty:  Easy
Road cover:  Forest roads, gravel roads, paved roads, sandy beaches.  There can be mud and puddles on the Lower Road when it is wet outside.
Start/end:  Kolka
Markings:  Marked (yellow signs on the trunks of trees) between Mazirbe and Kolka and the so-called Lower Road (P 124 – Dūmele).
Route:  Kolka-Vaide-Saunags-Pitrags-Košrags-Mazirbe-Dūmele-Ezermuiža-Melnsils-Uši-Kolka
Distance from Rīga:  150 km
Logistics:  This is a circular route.  Buses travel from Rīga to Kolka five times a day, from Kolka to Mazirbe two times a day, and from Melnsils to Kolka (P131) 5 times a day.
Alternatives:  You can merge part of this route with the second route and hike toward Jūrmala from Melnsils, or you can merge it with the third route and continue on to Ventspils and Liepāja.
Note:  Nature trails and wooden pathways can be slippery when wet.  The Lower Road passes through the Bažas Swamp nature reserve, and please obey instructions that are on signs there.  There are dining facilities only in Kolka, with shops in Kolka, Mazirbe and Melnsils.
Points of interest:  Cape Kolka and the pine trail, Liv Villages, the Vaide horn collection, the Pitrags Baptist church, historic Košrags, the Liv People’s Centre, the Mazirbe Lutheran Church, the Black Plague rocks, Ezerpļavas meadows and the Ēvaži steep shore and nature trail.

Type Description


Logo Certificate name Description
Environmental protection
Specially protected nature territories

Ceļojuma maršruts ved cauri Slīteres nacionālajam parkam.