The first meeting of the Nordplus Adult project with project partners from Latvia, Estonia and Norway took place from 14 to 16 September in Bergen, Norway. The specific aim of the project is to facilitate adult learning in SME sector. The Online Training „Greener future practices for local food&drink producers and providers" will be a blended learning tool to educate SMEs in food & beverage sector for making their business practices greener and more competitive.
The Silver Travelers project is over. The project aims to close an existing gap in the provision of modern technology learning in the rural tourism sector facing new market challenges.
With a hiking tour on September 4 in Lahemaa national park, Estonia the Forest Trail will be launched as part of E11 long distance hiking path of the European hiking path network. Everybody is welcome to join the 13km opening hike from Vainupea to Oandu villages in Lahemaa national park: Forest Trail section #41.
Tallinn in Estonia is the final destination in the E11 long distance hiking path of the European hiking path network. The E11 route goes: Scheveningen (NL)–Osnabrück (D)–Potsdam (D)–Poznań (PL)–Ogrodniki (PL)–Lazdijai (LIT)–Rīga (LAT)–Tallinn (EST).
!!!! Only people who can show a COVID-19 certificate will be able to participate or negative test not earlier then 72hours.
The "Silver Suitcase" certificate is for senior-friendly accommodations and attractions in rural tourism sector. Senior-friendly places are carefully selected, taking into account the interests and needs of seniors: the premises and the immediate surroundings are arranged so that it is convenient to move around, the menu is healthy, including dietary food, the owners are always ready to provide all the necessary information and assistance. Amenities are marked with special symbols that not only explain the level of comfort and adjustments, but also describe the holiday destination and help tourists choose the right object for their needs. All senior-friendly places offer discounts for overnight stays or other services in low season or all year round.
More information here.
Baltic Coastal Hiking is a part of E9 long distance hiking route along the Baltic Sea coast. It starts in Nida resort town, Lithuania, near the border of Lithuania and Russia; crosses Latvia through Rīga and ends in Tallinn, Estonia. This is a map of the Southern Part of the Baltic Coastal Hiking for hikes in Lithuania and Latvia from Nida resort town on the border of Lithuania and Russia to Rīga.
Due to Midsummer holidays and the postponed working day, the office of "Lauku ceļotājs" will be closed from June 23-27. We will work on June 21-22 and then return on June 28. Happy Midsummer!
Kas jāzina un kam jāpievērš uzmanība pirms dodies atpūsties “Zaļajās brīvdienās”? Pēc kādiem kritērijiem atpūtas vietas Latvijā izvēlas trīs bērnu mamma un TV personība Dace Grimze? Ko ģimene iegūst, atpūšoties Latvijas laukos, “Zaļā Sertifikāta” saimniecībās?
Materiāls tapis ar Latvijas Vides aizsardzības fonda atbalstu.
The Forest Trail is a part of the European long-distance hiking route E11 in the Baltic States, which leads through the most beautiful forests and national parks. It begins in Lazdijai town near the Lithuanian-Polish border, crosses Lithuania and Latvia, turning into Riga, and ends in Tallinn, Estonia. This is a map of the Forest Trail’s Southern part in Lithuania and Latvia from Lazdijai town near the Lithuanian-Polish border through Kurzeme to Riga.
The project “RuralTour: A training programme for sustainable rural tourism” team met on 28th of May for the second meeting. It was planned to be in Bucharest, Rumania coordinated by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies but due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and travel restrictions meeting was held via Zoom platform.
The work on the project "Silver Travellers" will end soon. The project aims to close an existing gap in the provision of modern technology learning in the rural tourism sector facing new market challenges.