A hiking route across the diverse coastal landscapes of Latvia - Maršruts

Aktīvā atpūta
Aktīvā atpūta Individuāla Latvija

A hiking route across the diverse coastal landscapes of Latvia

Mazirbe - Kolka

  • Bus ride early in the morning: Riga - Mazirbe (bus runs 2x day)
  • Hiking: Mazirbe - Kolka (23 km, 7 - 9 h)

The route passes through Slītere National Park, the small Liv coastal villages to Kolkasrags, where the Great Wave Sea meets the Little Wave Sea meet.
Difficulty level: easy
Road surface: Sandy beaches, forest trails and gravel roads. In Mazirbe Village, asphalt.
Good to know! The only shops in this section are located in Mazirbe and Kolka villages. The itinerary goes through Slītere National Park.
Take a lunch box with you as no catering is offered.

Accommodation: in Kolka

Attālumi ar kājām 23 km