Latvian and Lithuanian resort towns - Maršruts

Aktīvā atpūta
Aktīvā atpūta Individuāla Lietuva

Latvian and Lithuanian resort towns

Liepāja - Užava - Ventspils

  • Bus to Užava.
  • Possible to visit the Užava lighthouse, Užava brewery.
  • Hike: Užava - Ventspils (20 km, 7 - 9h)

Road surface: Sandy, pebbly beaches (starting from small to big pebbles), in some places, stones. The seashore undergoes noticeable change after storms: it can be seen in the washed away shore where pebble zones alternate with sand zones.

Difficulty level: medium

Dangerous places: The bluffs: it is forbidden to climb them, as it can cause landslides and landfalls of sand and soil.

Good to know: There are no services between Užava and Ventspils.

  • Sightseeing in Ventspils.

Accommodation in Ventspils.

Attālumi ar kājām 20 km