Avotiņi Herb Garden and Country-Style Lunch in Sidrabiņi Pub - Maršruts

Dabas ceļojums
Dabas ceļojums Individuāla Latvija, Vidzeme, Salacgrīvas novads

Avotiņi Herb Garden and Country-Style Lunch in Sidrabiņi Pub


Package type: as a stopover between Riga and Tallinn with tour bus/individual transfer

Package includes: excursion and tasting in Avotiņi herb garden + lunch

For whom: individuals / groups (min. 8 – max. 20)

Duration of the programme: 3 hours (2 hour excursion + 1 hour lunch)

Distance between both places: 15 km/20 min. drive

  • Excursion to the herb garden. The Avotiņi herb garden grows more than 300 herb species. They are all used in medicine, health and beauty care, and in well-being treatments – the garden is known as ‘the green pharmacy’. Here healthy lifestyle enthusiasts can discover the secrets of phytotherapy and learn how to use plants in many different ways – making aromatic pillows, healthy teas, bath scrubs, etc. In the summertime, the colours and smells of the outdoor display of plants are beautiful. The host will take visitors through the garden to show and tell them about the plants and their uses. The excursion will end with a tasting of healthy green smoothies made from the plants in the garden.
  • Depart Avotiņi herb garden for travel to Sidrabiņi country pub. The pub is located approx. 15 km from Avotiņi and the journey takes approx. 20 min.
  • Lunch at Sidrabiņi. This family-run pub is located near to the Riga–Tallinn road. It is a renovated historical wooden building. The owners have a meat processing facility next to the pub, so there are always fresh and tasty meals on the menu made from smoked meat products. Smoking is a traditional Latvian method for preserving and preparing food. The meat (usually pork, but others too) is treated with spices (salt, pepper, garlic and others) and smoked on wood. The pub serves traditional Latvian foods.