Grand coastal hiking tour along the Lithuanian and Latvian national and nature parks - Maršruts

Aktīvā atpūta
Aktīvā atpūta Individuāla Latvija

Grand coastal hiking tour along the Lithuanian and Latvian national and nature parks

1.diena Klaipėda - Šilutė - Rusnė

  • Bus Klaipėda - Šilutė, Šilutė - Rusnė
  • Accommodation: in Rusnė.

2.diena Rusnė - Nida

  • Hiking: around Rusnė Island from Rusnė till Uostadvaris (16 km, 4 - 5h)

Road surface: Gravel roads and footpaths over the Rusnė polders.

Difficulty level: medium

Danger points: Exercise caution when walking on the side of the road!

Good to know: Rusnė Island is an excellent place to observe birds during spring and autumn migration.

  • Ferry from Uostadvaris to Nida (the last ferry at 17:00).

Accommodation: in Nida.

Attālumi ar kājām 16 km

3.diena Nida - Pervalka

  • Hiking: Nida - Pervalka (18 km, 4 - 6h)

Road surface: pavement, pedestrian path and promenades in populated areas. Forest trails with natural surface elsewhere and sand in some places.

Difficulty level: easy

Danger points: At high water (in early spring and late autumn), a short section of the trail between Nida and Preila may be flooded. Be careful at the washed-out coastline as it can easily collapse!

Accommodation: in Pervalka.

Attālumi ar kājām 18 km

4.diena Pervalka - Juodkrantė

  • Hiking: Pervalka - Juodkrantė (18 km, 4 - 6h)

Road surface: Sandy beaches, single-track forest trails, paved pedestrian/cyclist lanes. Pavement and cobblestones in populated areas.

Difficulty level: easy

Good to know: From Pervalka, it is recommended to take the circular nature trail (4–5 km) along the coast of the Curonian Lagoon to Horse Cape, which offers amazing views of the Nagliai Dune.

Accommodation: in Juodkrantė.

Attālumi ar kājām 18 km

5.diena Juodkrantė - Smiltynė - Klaipėda

  • Bus to Smiltynė
  • Can visit the Lithuanian Sea Museum and Dolphinarium (1,5 km from the Smiltynė bus stop).
  • Ferry to Klaipėda.
  • Sightseeing in Klaipėda.
  • Accommodation: in Klaipėda.
Attālumi ar kājām 1 km

6.diena Klaipėda - Karklė - Palanga

  • Private transfer to Karklė (~25 min.).
  • Hike: Karklė - Palanga (12 km, 3 - 4h)

Road surface: Mostly sandy or sandy/pebbly beaches and single-track forest trails.

Difficulty level: easy

Good to know: In the Seaside Regional Park, the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route runs along the beach, which is part of a nature reserve. It is prohibited to walk anywhere else than the beach.

Accommodation: in Palanga.

Attālumi ar kājām 12 km

7.diena Palanga - Šventoji - Pape

  • Bus: Palanga - Šventoji
  • Hike: Šventoji - LT/LV border - Nida - Pape (17 km, 6 - 7h)

Road surface: Pavement with a hard surface in Šventoji, sandy and pebbly beaches, occasionally fine gravel. Near Nida – several kilometres of pebbly beach. In places, the pebbles form outcrops of several tens of centimetres, created by the waves. In Pape, the roads are covered in gravel.

Difficulty level: medium

Good to know: The state border along the coastline can be crossed at any time; hikers must always carry valid personal identification documents. There are no services available near the border.

It is worth to visit the Pape Ķoņi ancient fishermen village with the Open-air Museum “Vītolnieki”.

Accommodation: in Pape.

Attālumi ar kājām 17 km

8.diena Pape - Bernāti

  • Hike: Pape - Bernāti (25 km, 8 - 10h)

Road surface: Sandy and pebbly beaches, occasionally soft sand, which makes walking difficult. There are wide sandy beaches around Jūrmalciems and Bernāti.

Difficulty level: medium

Good to know! The only shops in the coastal area from the Latvian-Lithuanian border to Bernāti are located in Jūrmalciems.

Accommodation: in Bernāti.

Attālumi ar kājām 25 km

9.diena Bernāti - Liepāja

  • Bus to Liepāja.
  • Sightseeing and a little hike in Liepāja.
  • Accommodation: in Liepāja.

10.diena Liepāja - Ziemupe - Pāvilosta

  • Private transfer to Ziemupe.
  • Hike: Ziemupe - Pāvilosta (21 km, 7 - 9h)

Road surface: Sandy, pebbly (with little pebbles), occasionally wide (near Akmensrags), occasionally narrower sandy beaches. In Pāvilosta, asphalt.

Difficulty level: easy

Good to know: No shops or catering is available between Ziemupe and Pāvilosta.

Accommodation: in Pāvilosta.

Attālumi ar kājām 21 km

11.diena Pāvilosta - Ventspils

  • Bus from Pāvilosta to Ventspils.
  • Sightseeing in Ventspils.
  • Accommodation: in Ventspils

12.diena Ventspils - Sīkrags - Mazirbe - Košrags

  • Private transfer to Sīkrags.
  • Hike: Sīkrags - Mazirbe - Košrags (11 km, 3 - 4h)

Road surface: Sandy beaches, forest trails and gravel roads. In Mazirbe village, asphalt.

Difficulty level: easy

Obstacles: You can wade across the small river Mazirbe during low water (there is a bridge ~ 0,5 km away from the sea).

Good to know: The only shop is located in Mazirbe village, so you need to buy something for dinner.

Accommodation: in Košrags.

Attālumi ar kājām 11 km

13.diena Košrags - Kolka

  • Hike: Košrags - Kolka (18 km, 7 - 8h)

Road surface: Gravel roads, sandy beach.

Difficulty level: easy

Good to know: There are no shops and catering places during this day, the only place is in Kolka.

Accommodation: in Kolka.

Attālumi ar kājām 18 km

14.diena Kolka - Mērsrags

  • Free morning in Kolka.
  • In the afternoon the bus Kolka - Mērsrags (~1h 20 min.).
  • Excursion: in Mērsrags, nature reserve, trail, sightseeing tower.
  • Accommodation: in Mērsrags.

15.diena Mērsrags - Engure

  • Hike: Mērsrags - Engure (22 km, 7 - 9h)

Road surface: Beaches covered in sand and fine gravel, coastal meadows, small trails, forest roads. Asphalt in the villages, a small section of gravel road.

Difficulty level: medium

Obstacles: The coastal meadows can be bypassed using the roads and trails in the villages. The river Engure can be crossed via bridge.

Good to know: You should avail yourself of binoculars for bird watching, suitable (closed) footwear and walking poles for support.

Accommodation: in Engure.

Attālumi ar kājām 22 km

16.diena Engure - Jūrmala - Rīga

  • Bus: Engure - Ragaciems or Dubulti
  • Hike option 1: Hike: Ragaciems - Dubulti (22 km, 7 - 9h)
  • Hike option 2: Hike: Dubulti - Lielupe - Bulduri (16 km, 5 - 7h)

Road surface: In the surroundings of Ragaciems village: small pieces of dolomite, some boulders, gravel. Other places and sandy beaches and sidewalks.

Difficulty level: easy

  • Train to Rīga.

Accommodation in Rīga

Attālumi ar kājām 16 km