Diversity of Peipsimaa: Varnja – Avinurme (EE) - Maršruts

Aktīvā atpūta
Aktīvā atpūta Individuāla Igaunija, Ziemeļi, Tartumaa

Diversity of Peipsimaa: Varnja – Avinurme (EE)

Tartu - Varnja - Alatskivi


Bus Tartu – Varnja in the morning (trip ~50 min.)

Hiking Varnja – Alatskivi (19 km, 6-8 h)

Practical info:

Road surface: Mainly paved road, gravel road for a small part of the section.

Danger points: Be careful when walking on the side of the road or street!

Good to know! Onions are sold starting from July. Onion Fair in August. Onion traders sell their produce by the roadside and at their homes in August and September.

In the evening, explore the famous Alatskivi Castle and enjoy dinner from local products in the Alatskivi restaurant.

Accommodation in Alatskivi.

Distance walking: 19 km