The Gauja National Park, Gulf of Parnu and Saaremaa - Praktiskā informācija

Aktīvā atpūta
Aktīvā atpūta Individuāla Igaunija, Latvija

The Gauja National Park, Gulf of Parnu and Saaremaa

Praktiskā informācija

Kopējie attālumi ar velosipēdu 378 km
  • Daily cycling distances: 45-70 km

  • Road cover: asphalt (97%) and gravel (3%)

  • The level of difficulty: easy

  • Signs: route often not marked

  • Luggage: can be transfered

This tour can also be organised in reverse from Tallinn to Riga.

You can stay an extra day in Parnu and go on day trip to Soomaa National Park

You need to check the timetable of the train, because of possible changes!

Tips Apraksts

Hilly roads, the Baltic Sea coast, old coastal villages - Ikla, Treimani, Kabli and Häädemeeste, the Via Baltica.


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