Through national parks, vivid towns along the picturesque river banks of Latvia and Lithuania - Praktiskā informācija

Aktīvā atpūta
Aktīvā atpūta Individuāla Lietuva

Through national parks, vivid towns along the picturesque river banks of Latvia and Lithuania

Praktiskā informācija

Road surface: Asphalt (96 %), gravel or other (4 %)
Start: Rīga, Vilnius
Finish: Klaipėda

Options: There are some excellent regional cycling routes at the Dzūkija National Park and Nemunas Delta Regional Park introducing with ethnographic villages, bee-keeping traditions and picturesque outcrops of the river Nemunas. 
The route can be prolonged to the Rusne Island which is popular for bird watching.
It is possible to take a boat across to Curonian Spit (Nida) from the Rusne Island (Uostadvaris) or Minija village. The Route can be combined with the route Along the Baltic Sea to the Curonian Spit in this map.  
Kaunas – Vilnius (regular services, journey time ~ 1h 10 min – 1 h 50 min).
One can have a rest and pampering at the historic spa resort Druskininkai.
Good to know: There is an excellent local network of cycling routes at Druskininkai surrounding and tourist boat from Druskininkai -Liškiava.