The ERASMUS+ programme project "UPSKILL" aims at developing the skills of early drop-outs and low qualified adult through the development of an innovative short term study programme. Five partners from Turkey, Latvia, Spain, Italy and Austria have developed an analysis report on key skills for the tourism sector as well as an deriving model for the attribution of ECVET credits with key knowledge, skills and competences.
On 22nd March peer group consisting of VET courses trainer and tourism stakeholders who are actively involved in tourism sector for several years and represents tourism accommodations outside capital Riga, were gathered to present the project, evaluate the new curricula and training material "Transparency for qualifications and future skills for the hotel and tourism industry" and development of the self assessment tool. The created curricula for trainers includes activities for enhancing skills for the touristic sector, respectively for hotel, banquet and reception in particular. The included activities aim at the acquirement of new skills related to sustainability and at making the qualification transparent, acknowledged and comparable through the usage of the European instrument ECVET. It is designed for VET- providers and their training staff for being able to deliver an innovative short term study programme to learners. The Curricula gives institutions an added value as they can extend their portfolio with a new Curricula, which promotes sustainable training contents especially designed for tourism businesses. Basic key skills for three main departments of hotels plus additional future skills for aligning sustainable operations in the latter will increase the access for the final beneficiaries to the labour market and will- through the equipment of future skills- give them a competitive advantage over other candidates.
Participants of testing in Latvian positively rated training curricula drafted by all partners and gave practical recommendations for the further development of the training material.
Qualifications and skills for the hotel and tourism industry: rural tourism entrepreneurs' survey results (PDF).
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