Through Lahemaa National Park: Eisma – Kasispea (EE) - Маршрут

Активный отдых
Активный отдых Индивидуальная Эстония, Северная

Through Lahemaa National Park: Eisma – Kasispea (EE)

Oandu – Käsmu


Hiking: Oandu – Käsmu (18 km, 6-8 h)

Practical info:

Road surface: Half of the distance comprises forest trails and roads, the rest of it runs along paved road.

Difficulty: easy

Danger points: Be careful when walking on the side of the road!

Good to know! The Käsmu Peninsula is surrounded by a dense network of hiking trails, so you can stay here for another day and explore the local trails.

Accommodation in Käsmu.

Distance walking: 18 km