Along the Baltic Sea to the Curonian Spit - Маршрут

Активный отдых
Активный отдых Индивидуальная Латвия, Литва

Along the Baltic Sea to the Curonian Spit

День 1 Arrival in Riga

Optinal: transfer to the hotel.
Receive from the hotel reception the tour information pack with maps and detailed description of the routes, sites and overnight places.
Overnight in the hotel in Riga.

День 2 Riga - Tukums

Receiving the hired bicycles which are delivered to the hotel.
Cycling: Rīga – Jūrmala (~30km, 100% asphalt) – Ķemeri (~20km, asphalt)
A ride through Jūrmala - the most popular resort town in Latvia. Beautiful beach, old wooden villas and lively pedestrian streets.
By train: Ķemeri – Tukums 1 (~25 min.)
Overnight in the guest house in Tukums surroundings.

Расстояние на велосипеде 50 км

День 3 Tukums - Sabile

1st option
Cycling: Tukums – Vecmokas – Pūre – Kandava – Sabile (~36km, 11km of this distance – on a major traffic road).
2nd option
Cycling: Tukums – Sāti – Grenči - Zemīte – Kandava – Sabile (~48km, 15km of this distance – on a gravel road).
3rd option
Cycling: Tukums – Abavnieki – Kandava – Sabile (~36km, 22km of this distance – on a  gravel road).
The part between Kandava and Sabile is very picturesque with small hills and with a view of the Abava river valley.
Overnight in the area of Sabile.

Расстояние на велосипеде 42 км

День 4 Sabile - Kuldīga

Cycling: Plosti - Sabile – Kuldīga (~49km, asphalt).
Kuldīga – a charming small town with romantic wooden buildings, the widest waterfall in Latvia.
Overnight in the guesthouse near Kuldiga.

Расстояние на велосипеде 49 км

День 5 Kuldīga - Pāvilosta

Cycling: Kuldīga – Jūrkalne – Pāvilosta (~63km, asphalt)
A unique steep bank of the Baltic see at Jūrkalne. There are so called blue cows grazing on the coastal meadows – a very rare cow type that is to be seen only here.  
Overnight in the guesthouse in Pāvilosta.

Расстояние на велосипеде 63 км

День 6 Pāvilosta - Liepāja

1st option
Cycling:  Pāvilosta – Vērgale – Saraiķi – Liepāja (~55 km, 6 km of this distance - on a  gravel road).
2nd option
Cycling: Pāvilosta – Akmeņrags – Ziemupe – Saraiķi - Liepāja (~55 km, 36 km of this distance - on a  gravel road or a forest road).
The route goes along the seashore with lonely beaches and good opportunities to take a swim.
It is possible to have a leisure evening in Liepāja town with many nice cafes. You can also venture to the once closed military town – residential area of the Soviet Army and the former port of submarines. 
Overnight in the hotel in Liepāja.

Расстояние на велосипеде 55 км

День 7 Liepāja - Mosedis

Cycling: Liepāja – Grobiņa – Bārta – Kalēti - Skodas - Mosedis (~70km, 7 km of this distance – on a gravel road, the rest on smaller traffic roads, asphalt).
The route goes through the Žemaitijos national park in Lithuania. You will see the  „Town of Stones“ – a farmstead, where the yard is decorated by many stones – small and big, hewed and natural.  There is a walking trail along the river Bartuve.
Overnight in the guest house in Mosedis.

Расстояние на велосипеде 70 км

День 8 Mosedis - Kretinga

Cycling: Mosedis – Salantai – Kretinga (~48km, 100% asphalt)
A ride through the Salantai regional park with beautiful hilly landscapes and a river valley. In Kretinga town you can see the cloister, the church and the Winter garden of the count Tischkevich.
Overnight in the guest house in Kretinga.

Расстояние на велосипеде 48 км

День 9 Kretinga - Klaipeda

Cycling: Kretinga – Palanga – Klaipeda (~47km, 6km of this distance – on a gravel road)
Resort town Palanga. The route goes along the seashore, through the Pajūrio regional park.
Leisure time in Klaipeda in the evening.
Overnight in the hotel in Klaipeda.

Расстояние на велосипеде 47 км

День 10 Klaipeda - Nida

Cycling: Klaipeda – Juodkrante - Nida (~55km, 100% asphalt)
Ferry passage:  Klaipeda – Smiltyne.
A ride through the national park of Curonian Spit – up to 60m high dune. Under the sand, winds have buried several fisherman villages. The movement of the sand is partly stopped by human efforts.  In Smiltyne you can see the Sea museum and the Dolphinarium, which is installed in an old Prussian fort. 
Overnight in the hotel in Nida.

Расстояние на велосипеде 55 км

День 11 Nida - Klaipeda

Cycling: Nida – Klaipeda (~55km, asphalt).
In Juodkrante you will see the Hill of Witches.
Ferry passage: Smiltyne - Klaipeda
In the evening, the hired bicycles shall be returned at the hotel.
Overnight in the hotel in Klaipeda.

Расстояние на велосипеде 55 км

День 12 Klaipeda - Riga

By public bus: Klaipeda -Riga (~5h)

Overnight in the hotel in Riga.

День 13 Riga

Optional: Private transfer from the hotel to airport or extra days in Riga or in the countryside in Latvia.