Grand hiking tour on the coast of Latvia and Estonia - Маршрут

Активный отдых
Активный отдых Индивидуальная Эстония, Латвия

Grand hiking tour on the coast of Latvia and Estonia

День 1 Mazirbe - Kolka

  • Bus ride early in the morning: Riga - Mazirbe (bus runs 2x day)
  • Hiking: Mazirbe - Kolka (23 km, 7 - 9 h)


Difficulty level: easy

Road surface: Sandy beaches, forest trails and gravel roads. In Mazirbe Village, asphalt.

Good to know! The only shop in this section are located in Mazirbe and Kolka villages. The itinerary goes through Slītere National Park.

Take a lunch box with you as no catering is offered

Accommodation in Kolka

Расстояние пешком 23 км

День 2 Mērsrags

Bus ride Kolka  - Mērsrags The bus leaves in the middle of the day. Excursion in Mērsrags, nature reserve, trail, sightseeing tower.

Accommodation in Mērsrags

День 3 Mērsrags - Engure

  • Hiking  Mērsrags - Engure (22 km, 7 - 9 h)


Difficulty level: easy

Road surface: Beaches covered in sand and fine gravel, coastal meadows, small trails, forest roads. Asphalt in the villages, a small section of gravel road.

Good to know! You should avail yourself of binoculars for bird watching, suitable (closed) footwear and walking poles for support.

Accommodation in Engure.

Расстояние пешком 22 км

День 4 Dubulti - Bulduri

  • Bus ride in the morning: Engure - Dubulti 
  • Hiking: Dubulti - Bulduri through Jurmala City (5 km, 1 - 2 h)

Difficulty level: easy
Road surface: sandy beaches
Accommodation in Jurmala or Riga. Train operates regularly from Jurmala to Riga.

Расстояние пешком 5 км

День 5 Rīga

Free day for sightseeing in Riga. Old Town, Art Nouveau District, Central Market, etc.

Accommodation in a hotel in Riga.

День 6 Zvejniekciems - Tūja

  • By train Riga - Zvejniekciems ~ 1 hour (train operates 10x per day)
  • Walk to the sea ~ 2.5 km
  • Hiking Zvejniekciems - Tūja (25 km, 8 - 11 h)


Difficulty level: medium / hard
Road surface: Fine gravel, sand, plank-ways, forest trails. In Zvejniekciems, asphalt, bays with sandy beaches, capes with stones, in some places, pebbles.
Good to know! In some places, fine gravel is washed ashore which makes walking difficult. The stones overgrown with algae are slippery. A lot of stones “move”. You will need suitable (closed) footwear and walking poles for support.

Accommodation in or near Tūja

Расстояние пешком 25 км

День 7 Tūja - Svētciems

Hiking: Tūja - Svētciems (24 km, 8 - 10 h)


Difficulty level: hard

Road surface: Rocky beaches, grassy/reedy coastal sections (before reaching the Svētupe River), gravel roads, asphalt, forest trails, occasionally algae washed ashore (algae scum)

Good to know! The sandstone outcrops are composed of an unconsolidated and unstable material, which is why it is not safe to approach them from the top and the bottom or to crawl into the caves washed out by the waves.

Accommodation in Svētciems

Расстояние пешком 24 км

День 8 Parnu

Bus ride: Svētciems - Ainaži (bus runs 10x per day).

Crossing the Latvian-Estonian border on foot (ca 2 km).

Bus Ikla - PÄRNU. Last buses leave at around 16:00 and 17:00.

Excursion in PÄRNU. Pärnu is a popular resort city with many cafés, live music, SPAs, hotels and a beautiful Old Town.

Accommodation and catering in PÄRNU

День 9 Kihnu Island

  • Bus ride in the morning: Pärnu - Munalaiu Port (1 h)
  • A ferry to Kihnu (1 h) runs 2-4 times a day depending on the day of the week.

Kihnu Island is the largest island in the Gulf of Riga and the seventh largest island in Estonia. Its total area is 16.9 km², the island is 7 km long and up to 3.3 km wide. The former seal hunter and fishermen’s island, with around 600 inhabitants, is currently eager to maintain its identity in spite of everything and has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

  • Hiking on Kihnu Island (or you can rent a bike and explore this route by bike).

A coastal route that goes through four villages – Sääre, Linaküla, Rootsiküla and Lemsi - will help you to discover the cultural and natural values of Kihnu Island.

  • Route length: 23 km (7 - 9 h)


Difficulty level: easy

Start: Kihnu port (1 h bus ride from Pärnu to Munalaid Port and by ferry Munalaid - Kihnu 1 h, operates 2 to 3 times a day)

Finish: Kihnu Port

Accommodation on Kihnu Island

Information about ferry traffic:

Расстояние пешком 23 км

День 10 Kihnu Island - Parnu

We continue to explore KIHNU ISLAND.

Ferry trip to MUNALAIU PORT (1 h).

Bus trip to PÄRNU (1 h).

Accommodation and catering in PÄRNU.

День 11 Pärnu - Haapsalu

Free time in Pärnu in the morning. In the afternoon, bus trip to Pärnu - Haapsalu.

Accommodation in HAAPSALU. 

День 12 Haapsalu

Excursion by foot in Haapsalu. We recommend visiting the old town of the Hapsalu resort town, Bishop’s castle mound, Dome Cathedral and the historic promenade with various monuments.

During lunch - a bus trip to Haapsalu - Dirhami.

Accommodation near ROOSLEPA.

Catering places in HAAPSALU.

День 13 Roosta - Dirhami - Nova Harbour

Hiking Roosta - Dirhami - Nova Harbour (20 km, 6 – 8 h)


Difficulty level:  easy       

Road surface: A short stretch of road covered in asphalt and gravel, forest trails, highly variable beaches: sandy, occasionally covered in gravel, pebbles, stones of different sizes, a short section of dolomite base. In some places, algae have been washed ashore.

Dangerous places: Be careful and ensure safety when walking along the road.

Good to know! Catering companies are available at the Port of Dirhami. The closest shops are in Nõva (3.5 km from the Port of Nõva) and Dirhami villages.

Transfer back to Rooslepa.

Accommodation near Rooslepa village.

Расстояние пешком 20 км

День 14 Nõva sadam - Vihterpalu

Hiking: Nõva sadam - Vihterpalu (24 km, 8-10 h)


Difficulty level: medium

Road surface: Forest trails, highly variable beaches: sandy, occasionally overgrown with herbaceous plants, rocky, short sections of dolomite base and dolomite pebbles.

Good to know! No catering companies or shops are available in this section. Need to take lunch boxes.

Accommodation near Vihterpalu

Расстояние пешком 24 км

День 15 Vihterpalu - Tallinn

In the morning, bus ride VIHTERPALU - TALLINN (bus runs only 1x a day).

Arrival in Tallinn.

Sightseeing in Tallinn. We recommend seeing Tallinn’s medieval old town, which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Accommodation in Tallinn.

День 16 Tallin

Sightseeing in Tallinn.

End of tour!