На велосипеде вдоль Курземского побережья Балтийского моря - Маршрут

Активный отдых
Активный отдых Индивидуальная Латвия

На велосипеде вдоль Курземского побережья Балтийского моря

День 1 Прибытие в Ригу

Arrival to Riga.
Optional: Transfer to the hotel.
Receive from the hotel reception the tour information pack with maps and detailed description of the routes, sites and overnight places.
Overnight in the hotel in Riga.

День 2 Рига — Лиепая

Receiving the hired bicycles which are delivered to the hotel.
Leisure time in Riga.
Train: Rīga – Liepāja
Liepāja – one of the two biggest Latvian seaside cities. Many nice cafes, sandy beach and a park by the sea, a harbor.
Overnight in a hotelin Liepāja.

День 3 Лиепая — Павилоста

Cycling: Liepāja – Pāvilosta
1st option: Liepāja – Saraiķi – Ziemupe – Pāvilosta (~64km, 50% gravel and forest road)
2nd option: Liepāja – Ploce – Pāvilosta (~55km, asphalt)
In Liepaja, route leads through the Karosta – the former Soviet military town and submarine harbor.  The territory earlier was closed. There are military and residential buildings, a park and an impressive Russian  Orthodox cathedral. 
Further, the 1st option offers a ride along he coast, stopping to see the Saraiķi estate on the way.
The 2nd option offers an easier ride on an inland asphalt road.   
Overnight in the guest house in Pāvilosta.

Расстояние на велосипеде 55 км

День 4 Павилоста — Юркалне

Cycling: Pāvilosta - Jūrkalne (~21km, asphalt)
Leisure time till noon to explore the steep banks and the scenic seashore at Jūrkalne.
There are so called blue cows grazing on the coastal meadows – a very rare cow type that is to be seen only here.
Overnight in a guest house in Jūrkalne.

Расстояние на велосипеде 21 км

День 5 Юркалне — Вентспилс

Cycling: Jūrkalne – Ventspils (~50km, asphalt).
On the way, you can Stop at the Užava church.
In the afternoon, leisure time in Ventspils – the central promenade, the aquapark, the open-air museum.  Well arranged beach facilities.
Another option is to take an inland asphalt road to Ventspils.
Overnight in a guest house in Ventspils.

Расстояние на велосипеде 50 км

День 6 Вентспилс — Колка

Cycling: Ventspils - Ance - Dundaga (~60km, 13 km gravel road)
In the morning excursion in Ventspils. Then start to cycle. It is possible to stop at Busnieku lake for relax and swimming. And the end of day your will reach Dundaga - a small nice typical latvian town. Possible to visit Dundaga Castle and park.
Overnight in Dundaga.

Расстояние на велосипеде 60 км

День 7 Колка — Роя

Cycling: Dundaga - Mazirbe - Kolka  (~46km, 100% asphalt)

The road will go till village Mazirbe and then along the Baltic sea coast through the fisherman villages and the “Boat cemetery”, a place where  old wooden fishing boats have been taken ashore and left in dunes. This is followed by a ride through the forests of the Slītere national park.
Overnight in Kolka.

Расстояние на велосипеде 46 км

День 8 Роя — Энгуре


Cycling: Kolka - Roja (34 km, 100% asphalt)

Visiting the Kolka cape where the Baltic Sea meets the Riga gulf and the waves are crossing and building a long dune.

Overnight in Roja.


Расстояние на велосипеде 34 км

День 9 Энгуре — Юрмала — Рига

Cycling: Roja - Mērsrags – Engure (~48-53km, asphalt)
The route offers to witness the contemporary life in the seaside fishing villages and watch 3 different types of the seashore – the stony coast at Kaltene, the sandy beach at Upesgriva and grassy coastal meadows near Engure.
Bird watching towers are installed by the Lake Engure, and wild horses are grazing in the meadows by the lake.
Overnight in a guest house in Engure.

Расстояние на велосипеде 53 км

День 10 Отъезд из Риги


Cycling: Engure - Lapmežciems – Jūrmala (Dubulti) (~48km, asphalt).
On the way through the Kemeri national park, it is possible to stop for a walk on the Kemeri boardwalk winding through the Kemeri marsh with a viewing tower and clean tiny marsh lakes (the stop would add some km to the distance).
By train: Jūrmala (Dubulti) – Rīga
or cycling: Jūrmala – Rīga (~25-30km, a cycling road)
In the evening, the hired bicycles shall be returned at the hotel.
Overnight in the hotel in Riga.

Расстояние на велосипеде 48 км

День 11 Departure from Riga


Optional: Private transfer from the hotel to airport or extra days in Riga or in the countryside in Latvia.