Rusnė and the Curonian Coast - Маршрут

Активный отдых
Активный отдых Индивидуальная Литва

Rusnė and the Curonian Coast

День 1 Šilutė - Rusnė

  • Arrival in Šilutė.
  • Bus to Rusnė.
  • Hiking: around Rusnė Island (23 km, 6 - 8h)

Road surface: Gravel roads and footpaths over the Rusnė polders. Approximately 10 km of paved road between the villages of Uostadvaris and Rusnė.

Difficulty level: medium

Danger points: Exercise caution when walking on the side of the road!

Good to know: Rusnė Island is an excellent place to observe birds during spring and autumn migration.

Alternatives: The route can be done in either direction. It is worth walking through the tiny streets of Rusnė Village to see its beautiful two-storey wooden buildings with tile roofs and elaborate ornaments. It is possible to travel from Uostadvaris to Nida on the Curonian Spit by boat:

Accommodation: in Rusnė.

Расстояние пешком 23 км

День 2 Rusnė - Šilutė

  • Hiking: Rusnė - Šilutė (9 km, 2 - 3h)

Road surface: Mostly pedestrian lanes, all hard surface: pavement and cobblestones.

Difficulty level: easy

Accommodation: in Šilutė.

Расстояние пешком 9 км

День 3 Šilutė - Kintai

  • Private transfer to Kintai.
  • Hiking: Kintai - Ventė (16 km, 3 - 4 h)

Road surface: Mostly paved roads, also gravel roads.

Difficulty level: medium

Accommodation: in Kintai or Ventė (can organize private transfer to Klaipėda on the next day or boat to Nida).

Расстояние пешком 16 км