Kemeri National Park

Территория Латвия, Zemgale

Kemeri National Park

The Ķemeri National Park was established in 1997 and mostly involves wetlands – the shallow shores of the Bay of Rīga, an overgrown seaside lake, vast swamps, damp forests and fens, and flood-land meadows. The park is enormously important for protecting plants (25% of those recorded in Latvia’s Red Book are found in the park) and animals, particularly nesting and migrating birds. The Great Ķemeri Bog is one of the largest swamps in Latvia, and there are other swamps, as well – the Zaļais swamp and the Raganu swamp. The massive swamps are important, too, in the flow of sulphuric waters and medicinal mud. The once-famous Ķemeri Spa was based on the availability of these resources. Most of the cultural and historical objects in the Ķemeri National Park relate to the seashore as a place for leisure and recuperation. Educational nature trails, bicycle trails, hiking trails, bird-watching towers and other facilities are available. The visitors centre is at the recently renovated “Forest House” in Ķemeri.

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