Учебная пасека, "Циравас Кенини" - Специализация

Пчелы Латвия, Kurzeme, Aizputes novads

Учебная пасека, "Циравас Кенини"


Тип Описание
Местный стиль жизни
Местный стиль жизни

There are lots of popular destinations around this beekeeping farm -- the Cīrava forest trail, the Cīrava castle, the Cīrava windmill and the Ievleju Maize bakery that partners with the beekeeping operation. 

The hives of bees are in the castle park and the forest, and the lady of the operation, Baiba, tends to the hives, trains beekeepers and produces beekeeping and apitherapeutic products.  She has more than 20 products to sell to her guests.  Baiba's father was a beekeeper, and that encouraged his daughter to follow his example.  Baiba has been familiar with bees for more than 30 years, and she has spent summers working at the apiary.  Outside the beekeeping season, she prepares products and inventory, and she also hones her skills and knowledge.  Baiba is happy to share her professional experience with other beekeepers and visitors to the farm.  She organises seminars about beekeeping, as well as practical activities out in the field. 

Visitors can take part in creative workshops and taste beekeeping products.  The programme can be supplemented with a health treatment in the bee therapy hut.  Beginners will undergo basic training, depending on the season of the year -- tending to hives of bees, doing selection work in the apiary, producing and selecting products, extracting the honey and preparing inventory.


  • Visiting the farm and meeting its owners;
  • A creative workshop (one apiece):

- Making various kinds of wax candles;

- Preparing mixtures of honey and other beekeeping products;

- Learning about healthy aspects of beekeeping products, including tasting and preparation of products;

- A discussion about how hives of bees are cared for;

  • A look at the work that has been done and tasting of products.
Для детей и молодежи
Для детей и молодежи

Uzņem bērnu, skolēnu grupas no 5-25 personām. Mācību drava piedāvā krāsainu piedzīvojumu bišu dravā. Aktivitātes pēc katra vēlmēm:

  • ieraudzīt, iepazīt un sadzirdēt bišu saimi,  
  • iejusties dravnieka arodā – biškopja apģērbs, dūmekļa kurināšana, inventāra gatavošana, bišu saimes kopšana,
  • baudīt biškopības produktus un našķus, 
  • piedalīties medus sviešanā, 
  • parādīt savas mākslinieka spējas – zīmēt, krāsot, veidot,
  • gatavot vaska sveces utt. 
  • Katrai grupai sastādām atsevišķu programmu - divas līdz trīs minētās aktivitātes.

Programmas garums no 1-2 stundām, cena vienam skolēnam sākot no 3 EUR (atkarīgs no programmas).

Агро – наследство
Агро – наследство

На учебной пасеке можно ознакомиться с традициями пчеловодства и попробовать себя в профессии пчеловода. Здесь делятся своими знаниями путем организации курсов пчеловодства.

Принадлежит бренду

Логотип Бренд Описание
Серебряный чемоданчик - Доступно для людей с трудностями перемещения, Без особых приспособлений

All year round, senior citizens with a senior citizen card receive a gift of honey.  

Please note that the apiary is not on level ground – it is a rural homestead.

Flavours of Livonia - Производитель

Пчелиные продукты; Мастер-классы: «Изготовление свечей», «Восковые картины», «Лакомка», «Здоровье с пасеки», «Юный пчеловод».