Viesnīca „Kārļamuiža” - Specializācija

Krodziņi Latvija, Vidzeme, Cēsu novads

Viesnīca „Kārļamuiža”


Tips Apraksts

The restaurant serves meals from local produce. Vegetables, spices, greens and herbs are grown in the hotel garden. There are seven mushroom dishes on the restaurant menu including a dessert - mushroom ‘panna cotta’ with chanterelles. Mushrooms are important in Latvian cuisine, especially in late summer and autumn. The hotel is located in Gauja National Park, therefore wild mushrooms are safely gathered from local forests. Together with the Kārļamuiža restaurant chef you will prepare dishes from wild mushrooms.

• Arrive at Kārļamuiža Country Hotel
• Excursion of house and surroundings
• Meet the restaurant chef, an insight into the diversity of mushrooms and their cooking methods in Latvia
• Cooking dinner with the chef (approx. 2 hours). Cooking is done in front of the group with an explanation of the recipe • Enjoying the meal
• After the meal, guests can enjoy a walk in the historical apple orchard, through the landscape park and in the valley of the River Amata.


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Livonijas garša - Ēdinātājs

Atrodas Gaujas Nacionālajā parkā, Amatas upes senlejā, senā muižas ēkā. Ēkas pirmajā stāvā iespējams baudīt maltīti, kas pagatavota un pasniegta restorāna līmenī, nezaudējot mājas garšu un atmosfēru. Ēdienu pagatavošanai šeit izmanto, galvenokārt, vietējās izejvielas, no kurām daļa - dārzeņi, garšvielas un zaļumi audzēti viesnīcas dārzā.