The Rye Grain Tour in Western and Southern Latvia - Маршрут

Учебные туры
Учебные туры Группа Латвия

The Rye Grain Tour in Western and Southern Latvia

Skrunda – Pāvilosta – Jūrkalne – Alsunga - Kuldīga

  • The Baltic Sea bluffs in Jūrkalne

Among the most popular objects of interest on the Kurzeme shore are the up-to-20m-high bluffs that have been shaped by the waves; the bluffs consist mostly of sand and narrow strands of pebbles and boulders. Opposite the centre of Jūrkalne there is a viewing platform and stairs that lead down to the sea.

At Bērziņi home, delicious rye and wheat bread is made, using old family recipes. The over-70-year-old special oven adds a unique flavour and aroma to the bread. The bread gains its unique flavour and aroma from the special oven as well as from the bread-baking tools that have been preserved from times long past: the wooden kneading troughs, the bread shovel and the wooden kneading trough scraper. Visitors may participate in the bread-baking process.

  • Lunch at Pilsberģi pub in Jūrkalne
  • Discover sklandrauši (traditional vegetable tarts) baking from rye flour and Suiti traditions in Spēlmaņi pub in Alsunga

Spēlmaņi pub bakes genuine sklandrauši that have been entered in the Register of Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSG) and Suiti sourdough bread. A sklandrausis is made from firm rye dough, filled with sweet carrot and potato filling and topped with sour cream and sugar. It is eaten both warm and cold, with a sip of tea or milk.

  • A visit to Kuldīga Old Town

Kuldīga is a small and lovely town in Kurzeme. The beginnings of the Kuldīga historic centre date back to the 13th century; even to this day, its narrow streets are still paved, and curious one-storey houses with a chimney in the middle and a red-tile roof have survived from times gone by. The old brick bridge over River Venta is a notable feature. You will also visit the Alekšupīte waterfall and the Venta Rapid – the widest waterfall in Europe.

  • Dinner and accommodation in Kuldīga.